Ch. 13

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"Morgan, did you hear me?" asked Aaron as he stared at me with confusion clear on his face.

"Oh, yes sorry," I apologized as I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

"So, is that a yes?"

"No- I mean yes. Yes I would like to have lunch with you, but I told other people I'd sit with them... so maybe we could sit together tomorrow... or we could maybe all sit together today?" I suggested.

"Yea, I'm always down to join," Aaron answered as he flashed me his incredible smile.

Now the question is would he still be smiling when he found out which friends I'm referring to.

We continued to head toward the cafeteria in a comfortable silence letting the hum of human halls fill the air... That was until we reached a crossroad if you will. To the left would lead us to the human seating area, and to the right would lead us to the co-ed area. Trent and Logan would be waiting for me at the co-ed area. I couldn't just ditch them...

"They're this way," I told Aaron as I pointed to the right, towards the direction of the co-ed area.

"That's the co-ed section."

"Um... yeah... I probably should have led with that..."

"Are you sitting with giants?" Aaron asked with a panicked expression.

"Yeah. Um, my group from 1st period... Trent and Logan... They asked me to sit with them."

"Do you want to sit with them?"

"Sure. I mean they're not so bad, you'll see," I tried to explain in a relaxed way. In my head if I act like it's no big deal then Aaron might see that it's really not a big deal.

"I-I... I've never sat with giants at lunch."

"Me neither. It's only day 2," I teased.

"Wait! Morgan, are you sure about this?" Aaron asked as if he was pleading with me to turn around. Aaron continued to walk closer to the elevator leading to the co-ed section with me, but he was keeping his gaze completely forward, not daring to give me so much as a glance. Once we reached the elevator I tried to engage.

"Hey, Aaron. It's okay if you don't want to,"

"I think I'm just shocked that you're so cool about all this. You do realize if we go up there, every human and every giant in the school will know."

"And?" I asked, because I genuinely was curious. What's so bad about people knowing. I mean the co-ed section exists so we can use it, right?

"And, I guess it's something to be aware of?" Aaron answered as his face flushed.

"This is a co-ed school Aaron. Eventually we're all going to end up interacting."

"Are we?" He retorted with a subtle sharp edge added to his tone.

"Yes. I think we are. I think that's what the whole planet is heading towards. Further integration between us."


"What?" I asked as my voice now had its own sharp edge.

"I guess I'm just not as brave as you are," Aaron replied. I felt my eyebrows furrow in question as I motioned for him to continue. "Okay, so... how do I say this? I've never really interacted with giants outside of our teachers, and I of course was pretty apprehensive about coming to this school, but my parents needed the money so I agreed. Anyway, so of course my first class, and first time ever being around giants and I see one of my people being grabbed against her will."

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