Ch. 44

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I don't think I've ever seen Joe this upset before. Not even the night we went to Trent's place for dinner and he'd thought Trent was kissing me against my will. Ugh, this whole scene was awkward with a capital A. Joe stood in the doorway as Trent put his pants and t-shirt back on at an impossibly fast speed. All of Trent's movements were sending vibrations that shook the bed I was stood on, trying to put my clothes back on without falling from the quakes. Meanwhile Joe still remained in my doorway but he wasn't looking at either of us. He was just looking at the other side of the room and breathing heavily. As soon as Trent made it out of the door Joe slammed the door to my room as he walked Trent out. I could hear Joe's angry, rumbling voice, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

Sh#t. How did this happen? How come the one time Trent and I even started to pass second base Joe just appeared out of nowhere?! How do parents do that? How do they always know when we're... you know... doing things they obviously think we shouldn't be doing.

I heard Joe and Trent exit the house. A few minutes later I heard Joe come back in, shutting the door with force but not slamming it like he'd done in my room. I gulped, preparing myself to face an angry Joe, who'd most likely come storming into my room. However, a full hour passed, and Joe never came. What does that mean? I knew he was mad at me... was he so mad that he didn't even want to talk? Shouldn't he come and ground me, or take my phone away?

I turned my lights out and tried to close my eyes, but that definitely didn't help. I became more anxious trying to fall asleep. Even though Joe wasn't in here, I swear I could feel his energy coming from his room. Maybe I should just face him? I mean then I could at least apologize or explain myself better.

I wore a pair of baggy sweatpants and an oversized gray t-shirt as I headed towards Joe's room. I climbed down from my raised walkway so that I could enter Joe's room. His room didn't have walkways but it did have a human sized door to the right of the giant sized door. I entered and felt like an idiot as I gazed up at Joe's massive bed in the center of his huge room. Since Joe was so huge for even a giant, he had a super long and wide bed to accommodate his size. I looked up and saw that Joe was in his bed. I should leave him alone. I turned to exit his room when dim lights suddenly turned on.

"Morgan?" Joe said in a tired, raspy voice.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," I replied. Joe claimed he was still awake, hence him noticing my entrance. I reached the bottom of Joe's bed, where he'd leaned over the edge with his arm so that his hand could sit palm up on the floor. I climbed into his hand and he sat up, getting a better look at me as he brought his hand in front of his face.

"I'm sorry I yelled," Joe said, breaking our silence. Why was Joe apologizing? This was the last thing I expected.

"No, that's okay. Trent and I-"

"I don't even want to think about it," Joe cut me off, rubbing his temple with the hand that wasn't holding me.

"Well don't worry... nothing really happened, and we won't do it again,"

"Yeah right. You're teenagers... I guess I should have expected it,"

"Am I still allowed to see Trent?"

"Yeah. I had a good little chat with him though. I get it, you kids are 'dating', and it's normal that stuff like that happens, but you aren't a normal couple, so it freaked me out,"

"But YOU married my mom!"

"Ha, yeah, but I was an adult. Ugh, this is not a conversation I'm prepared to have. Just... When two people..."

"I know about the birds and bee's" "Thank god, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying when you do stuff like that, it can affect people's judgment-"

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