Chapter XIX - Dumbledore's Army

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3rd POV

After many efforts and struggles, the golden trio managed to successfully retrieve the cup of Hufflepuff, and the next task would be finding the Ravenclaw horcrux, and Harry was sure it was somewhere within Hogwarts' grounds, linked to Rowena Ravenclaw herself.

He kept having visions and dreams about it, and up until now those never failed him, specially with the knowledge that they were linked directly to Voldemort's memories and thoughts.

Meeting Aberforth Dumbledore had sure been an experience, and Harry felt his heart swell at the how he was so different yet so alike the headmaster he once knew.

Neville appeared from behind a portrait and lead them into Hogwarts, and he was quite surprised when be told them that he and Draco had joined forces to reassemble the now larger Dumbledore's Army.

It made Harry's heart swell with pride, because old Draco would die before cooperating with Neville, so hearing the Gryffindor talk about how well he and Draco worked together to train and protect everyone truly made him happy.

Once they got there, Hermione and Ron went to the Chamber of Secrets in order to retrieve a Basilisk fang and destroy the cup of Hufflepuff, while Harry followed Neville to meet the army.

Once he got there, he saw the older students helping the younger kids with defense spells, to try to keep them as safe as possible, and he saw Ginny approach him and hug him.

He hugged back and rubbed her back, before looking down at her.

"How have you been holding up?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"Like everyone else, I guess. I'm glad you're back, we need you, everyone's expecting you to lead." Ginny said, while pulling away and sighing, and Harry frowned.

"I don't think I'm the right person to do that, my main goal right now is to complete the task Dumbledore gave me, I can't afford to waste any time or put anyone in danger." Harry said, and she nodded.

"Do whatever you think is right. We've got your back." She said, pointing to everyone in the room.

"I never got to apologise for what happened with us.. it wasn't right of me to never approach you about it-" Harry started but Ginny stopped him.

"Harry, it's fine. What I felt for you was more hero worship than anything. You're family to me, don't let a stupid kiss from a love struck girl change that. I'm over it now." She laughed and Harry relaxed, laughing too.

"Thanks, Gin, I wouldn't want things to be weird between us." Harry said. "Do you know where is-" He started again but she was quicker.

"Back there." She said, pointing to a door. "He's treating some wounds a second year girl got from Death Eaters, he's been really amazing. But if he hurts you again I'll go all protective big sister on him." Ginny said and Harry chuckled.

"You're younger than me." He pointed.

"But tougher than you." She rolled her eyes at him, and he gave her a side hug, chuckling lightly, before going to the room she pointed at and knocking.

"Come in Neville, Stacey's already mostly healed." Draco said, and Harry opened the door, leaning on the door frame and smiling as he saw the Slytherin finishing with bandaging the young girl's arm.

"You'd make an amazing healer, love." Harry said and Draco jumped in surprise, his mouth falling open as he looked at the other boy, who was smirking at him from the door.

It took a few moments before he jumped up and ran to Harry, pulling him into a tight hug. "You're back.." he whispered and Harry nodded, kissing his head, and lead him out of the room while another student stayed with Stacey.

"I am. But I have to go soon, I just came by to see you." Harry said and Draco smiled at him. "How's your shoulder?" He asked.

"A bit sore, but much better, I used a healing potion." Draco said. "I missed you.." he mumbled sadly and Harry pecked his lips.

"I know, I missed you too." He said back, caressing his cheek. "Three Horcruxes have already been destroyed, Hermione and Ron should be destroying the next one soon, we're basically halfway there. I need to find the next ones fast, we're running out of time." Harry sighed and Draco nodded, kissing him again.

"Please be careful.." the Slytherin whispered and Harry simply pressed their foreheads together.

"I'll try. You keep up the amazing work, I'm so proud of you." Harry said with a soft smile and Draco blushed lightly, nodding.

"I'm proud of you, too." He said and caressed Harry's cheek.

"Stay safe." Harry whispered and pecked his lips once more before leaving.


After talking to Helena Ravenclaw's ghost, as suggested by Luna, Harry found himself in the Room of Requirement, in the same storage looking place he found Draco working on the vanishing cabinet months ago, right where his heart first started to break.

He couldn't help but glance at the cabinet as he walked past it, his chest tightening at the sight and the memory of his boyfriend – if they even were considered boyfriends still, they hadn't exactly talked about it – and he felt the urge to tap his bracelet, just to make sure that was past them for now. He felt it warm up just seconds after, and he relaxed at that, smiling softly before focusing on his quest once again.

After a while he found Rowena's diadem, but before he managed to get ahold of it, he heard voices, and turned to find Blaise and Goyle pointing his wands at him, trapping him.

Everything after that happened so fast, spells thrown back and forth until the room was suddenly on fire, and he didn't realise he had frozen until he noticed Hermione and Ron rushing into the room to protect him, their wands drawn out and sending curses at the two Slytherins.

That made Harry unfreeze, and he was quick to run over to his friends, fighting alongside them and trying to keep the Fiendfyre away, but it was just too strong.

They grabbed some old brooms and climbed on them, to escape it, but Harry shouted at them to turn back and save Goyle and Blaise. Ron managed to grab Blaise but it was already too late for Goyle as the fire caught him.

"Harry!" He heard someone shout, and turned to see Draco, holding the diadem as he struggled to stay on top of a pile of old stuff that theatened to fall into the fire and take Draco with it.

Harry didn't even think before flying as fast as he could to Draco.

But just before he could reach him, he saw the Slytherin slip and scream in panic, and everything seemed to stop in that moment as he let out a strangled cry.

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now