Chapter V - Hair

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3rd person POV

After a while, they made their way back to their quarters, so Draco could get changed before they went to lunch.

"Hurry up! Why are you doing that to your hair? It's only lunch!" Harry groaned as he watched Draco go through his full hair routine to get his hair to look neat as always.

Draco replied with a simple glare, and Harry immediately took the message and rolled his eyes.

"I like you better with messy hair," Harry said after a while and Draco raised his eyebrow at him. "it makes you look hot." He added with a playful smirk and the Slytherin bowed his head in an attempt to hide the blush, trying to come up with a remark.

He looked up after a few seconds and faked a hurt expression.

"Don't think I look hot now?" He asked and placed a hand on his chest dramatically. "You wound me."

Harry snickered and walked over to him, taking the hair product out of his hand and pushing Draco against their closet, pressing them together, and Draco gasped in surprise as Harry smirked proudly and pressed their cheeks together.

"So damn hot..." he whispered and Draco let out a small whimper in reply, his face flushed and his eyes closed.

Harry's hand slowly made it's way under Draco's shirt, caressing his abdomen as he listened to the small sounds Draco was letting out, his face flushing further with every action to Harry's delight.

"Harry..." Draco moaned softly and opened his mouth to say something else but Harry interrupted him.

"I'm not going to do anything you're not comfortable with, relax love." He whispered in reassurance and Draco simply nodded.

The Gryffindor nibbled at the other boy's ear softly then kissed his cheek lovingly before pulling away, tucking Draco's shirt back into his pants.

"Let's go, Hermione and Ron are waiting for us." Harry said.

"But- my hair!" Draco protested, still trying to catch his breath from the previous interaction.

"You look perfect." Harry told him honestly and Draco blushed again, which made Harry kiss him softly. "And you're adorable." He said with a smug smile and Draco shoved his shoulder playfully, mumbling something that Harry didn't catch.

He wrapped an arm around Draco's waist and led him to their living room, handing him his coat and kissing his cheek before taking his hand and making his way to the Great Hall.


"Harry! Where were you? We were getting worried!" Hermione said once she caught sight of the couple.

"Relax 'Mione, it's only been- how long has it been?" He asked and Hermione glared.

"Almost half an hour." Ron stated with his mouth full.

"Ronald that's disgusting." Draco said grimacing. 

"You're disgusting!" Ron snapped after swallowing most of the food in his mouth and Hermione gave him a stern look. "Sorry. Old habits."

"I apologize, Hermione. If Harry had let me fix my hair properly we would have been in time." Draco said and Harry turned to him.

"What? No, you don't have the right to blame me! 'Mione it's his fault!" Harry protested, pointing at Draco and Hermione sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder if the deaging potion is still wearing off or if you're just plain childish." Hermione complained and Harry huffed in frustration as Draco tried his best not to laugh.

"I agree, such a baby! Grow up Potter, won't you?" Draco said smirking, as he sat down next to Harry.

Harry glared at him and groaned, crossing his arms on top of the table and hiding his face.

"Harry! Take your head off the table!" Hermione complained.

"Blimey, 'Mione! What's gotten into you? You've been like that all day!" Ron asked at her irritable behaviour and Draco patted his back.

"Good luck mate." He said upon seeing Hermione's glare deepening and Ron's eyes widened.

"I'm not dealing with it alone!" Ron complained, looking at Harry and Draco for back up.

"She's your girlfriend, Weasley." Draco smirked.

"Let's go 'Mione. I have to talk to you." Harry said, getting up, clearly not enjoying himself, and Hermione didn't think twice before following him, leaving their boyfriends behind to stare at them confused. 

When they were out of sight Ron turned to Draco.

"What the bloody hell?" He asked and Draco shrugged.

"Let's finish up with lunch and then we'll find them, let them get some air." He suggested and Ron nodded, finishing their meals awkwardly since neither considered the other a friend, and Draco took the opportunity to pack an extra sandwich so he could give it to Harry, not fond of the idea of leaving the raven-haired boy unfed.


Harry's POV

I walked to the Gryffindor common room with Hermione, and when we got in I looked around and sighed.

"I haven't been here in so long" I mumbled and Hermione nodded.

We made sure the common room was empty before we sat down at the couch, and Hermione looked at me, indicating for me to tell her whatever it was I wanted to tell her.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead subconsciously, and she immediately knew it was something serious.

"Harry?" She asked, concerned.

After a few moments of silence, I finally spoke up.

 "Draco's going to the Manor for the holidays," I said, and she frowned but nodded for me to continue. "No explanation, no reasons, no anything. He says there's nothing I can do to change his mind. What if something happens, 'Mione?" I asked, my face full of concern I had been hiding in order to not let Draco worry.

"Have you tried talking to him?" She asked.

"Of course I have!" I snapped, then quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do..."

Hermione said nothing, simply wrapping her arms around me for support, and I was really thankful for that.

"Let him go." She said after a while, which made me look at her incredulously. "Maybe he needs space, he spent every day of the last months with you, you need to give him some time for himself."

"I had never thought of it that way..." I mumbled.

"Of course you haven't! You are too busy creating stupid or crazy theories in your head to think of the simplest possibilities." She said poking my forehead and I let out a small chuckle.

"Thank you, I think I really needed that," I said hugging her.

"You're my best friend, I'll always be here for you." She replied and I smiled, grateful for having her in my life.

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now