Chapter XVIII - Wait for me

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3rd POV

Draco woke up the next day with a groan as the sunlight filled the room. He slowly opened his eyes, and his heart beat rapidly as he started panicking when he noticed he had no clue where he was.

He moved to sit up, but was stopped by a strong stinging feeling on his shoulder, and the memories from the previous day came flowing back into his mind.

Harry stirred a bit in his sleep, holding Draco's hand close to him, and Draco smiled as he saw him there on the floor. He reached his good arm down, and with a but of struggle, managed to pull him into the bed, and wrap his arm around his waist, kissing his forehead.

He couldn't believe that Harry was actually here, with him. By following him, Draco knew he had immediately made himself a target to the Dark Lord, specially with knowing a lot of his strategies and secrets.

But he didn't care, because this is what he should've done from the beginning, and now he knew that, he wouldn't betray Harry's trust ever again.

Harry cuddled into Draco's chest, snoring lightly, and Draco couldn't help but smile as he watched his peaceful face. However, he could see how visibly tired he was, and skinnier.

He worried for him, and what had he been up to these past months, but he knew they were at war, Harry wouldn't be truly okay until the war ended.

Draco himself had changed, he was taller, his facial features more defined, and the bags under his eyes were easy to spot. He was tired too, tired of being away from Harry, and betraying what he believed in. But he was determined to change that, he'd make it up to Harry even if it was the last thing he did, he'd earn his trust back.

Draco gently pecked Harry's lips, and his heart swelled as he watched the Gryffindor smile in his sleep.

He rubbed Harry's back for a few minutes, while leaving small kisses around his face, and after a while, Harry started waking up, slowly opening his eyes and yawning adorably.

Silver met green as their eyes locked, and they both smiled, before leaning in for a passionate kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, and Draco kept his good arm around Harry's waist.

They held the kiss for as long as they could, before breaking it and panting as they pressed their foreheads together and looked into each other's eyes.

"Hey you.." Harry whispered, and Draco chuckled softly, caressing his cheek.

"Hey..." Draco replied, and Harry pecked his lips once more.

"I missed you so much..." Harry whispered, his eyes showing how broken and alone he felt after all these months, and it broke Draco's heart.

"I missed you too..." Draco replied, brushing their noses together. "Harry, you have to let me talk abou-" he tried to start again, but Harry kissed him to stop him from going on.

"Don't.." he whispered. Harry was scared, no, he was terrified to hear whatever explanation Draco had for him. He wanted to hear it, he did, but he couldn't.

"I can't, Harry... You mean so much to me, you deserve an explanation... Did you... did you read the letter?" Draco whispered, and Harry shook his head. "Then you have to let me explain.." he said, and Harry looked down.

"No... It doesn't matter.." Harry whispered, and Draco frowned.

"Of course it does, Harry. I hurt you, betrayed you, don't you want to know the whole story? I can never take back what I did, but I want to make it up to you, and that starts by explaining the reasoning behind what I did.." Draco said, and Harry shook his head.

"If you want to make it up to me, then just hold me for now, I don't want to talk about it, not yet. I don't know if I ever will want to, but I promise after the war I'll let you explain. However, for now, I'm scared someone will take you away from me again, and I'm scared of what the explanation might do to me, I think you can tell that I'm not... I'm not in the best place right now... I just really want to stay in your arms while I can, and I want you to promise there are no tricks this time..." Harry whispered, and Draco held him closer, nodding.

"I promise..." Draco said softly, refraining from trying to protest again. He wasn't sure if it was the best idea, but Harry was right, he had so much to deal with, and if he said he didn't want anymore to add up to it, then Draco would respect his decision.

"Now I just have to hope I make it out alive..." Harry mumbled, and Draco's eyes widened as he looked down at him.

"Don't say that.." he whispered, kissing his cheek and forehead.

"It's me or Vold- the Dark Lord, there's no other way. There's a chance I won't make it, and you can't ignore it, because it's true..." Harry said, and Draco didn't say anything else.

What was he supposed to say? The love of his life would have to face Voldemort. Harry was a teenager, he wasn't nearly as experienced as the Dark Lord was, the chances of him losing were huge, and Draco felt his heart ache at that. Only now did it sink in to him, that this is what war meant. Harry or Voldemort, there was no way around it, and Draco could only hope the light side won, and Harry made it out alive.


Nearly two hours later, Harry, Draco, Ron, Dobby and Hermione were standing in the living room, everything ready for them to leave.

"Okay, what's our next step?" Ron asked.

"We go to Gringotts, we enter Bellatrix's vault, take the next Horcrux, then leave as fast as we can." Harry said, and Draco looked at them, confused as to what they were talking about, but impressed at Harry's leadership abilities.

"How do we get there?" Ron asked, looking at Hermione.

"Polyjuice. I'm going to turn into Bellatrix." Hermione said, shuddering, and Ron looked at her worried.

"Hermione..." He whispered, but she shook her head.

"It's okay, I can do it." She said with a small smile, and Ron hugged her.

"I talked to Griphook before. He's coming with me under the cloak. Ollivander and Luna will stay with Bill for safety measures." Harry said, then turned to Ron. "Hermione will have to make you look like someone else, you're going in with 'Bellatrix'." He added.

"What do I do?" Draco asked from behind Harry.

"You go to Hogwarts, where you'll be safe." Harry said, and Draco shook his head and frowned.

"No way. I'm going with you." He said, and Harry sighed, walking over to him.

"Draco, look. I know you want to fight, and I appreciate that, I really do. But I can't risk you getting hurt again, so it's not up to discussion. I talked to Neville, he'll help you back in the school, you can help them there. But please, you have to let us do this on our own.." he whispered, caressing Draco's cheek, and he reluctantly nodded.

"I love you. I'll meet you there, I promise." Harry said, and Draco wrapped his good arm around him.

"I love you too... Be careful.." Draco whispers, and Harry nodded, wrapping his arms around his waist tightly.

"I will." He whispered, then turned to Dobby. "Think you can help Draco get to Hogwarts?" He asked, and Dobby nodded, smiling.

"It will be an honour to help Master Draco! Dobby is most pleased to do it for him, sir." He said and Harry chuckled, smiling at him.

"Go, be safe." Harry whispered to Draco, pecking his lips, and Draco kissed back, before nodding.

"I'll be waiting for you." Draco said, then pulled away, giving Harry one last smile, taking Dobby's hand and apparating away.

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now