Chapter XII - Wings

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Harry's POV

I laid down on the towel, with Draco's head on my chest, and played with his hair as I smiled widely.

I can't believe we actually did it... maybe I misunderstood the whole situation and Draco does love me as much as I love him.

That thought made me smile even wider and hug him closer, which caused him to yelp in surprise.

"Harry! You're crushing me!" He complained and I loosened my grip on him, causing him to sigh and look up at me, smiling. "Merlin this was great..." He whispered blushing and I brought my hand to his cheek stroking it softly.

"It was... I love you so much..."  whispered and leaned up kissing him.

"Mmmm... love you too~" He mumbled against my lips.

I pulled away after a few moments and looked into his eyes. They were shining with the sunlight and showed such deep emotions I couldn't help but fall harder for him. Merlin, every time I see him I fall deeper in love.

"What time is it?" I asked after coming out of the trance Draco's eyes put me in.

"I don't know... where are our wands?" He asked.

"Hm... I'm pretty sure they're down there." I replied looking down at our bodies, and Draco smacked me in the head.

"Prick." He mumbled blushing and I laughed softly. "The other wands. Where are they?"

"I think we put them inside the bag we brought the food in." I said and he reached to grab them, taking the opportunity to also grab his boxers and putting them on, and I pouted at him.

"What? I'm not going to stay naked." He said.

"But no one comes here." I tried to argue.

"Doesn't mean I'm any less uncomfortable." He said and I shrugged.

"Whatever you say. Now, what time is it?" I asked and he cast a Tempus.

"It's 14:20. We missed lunch." He said.

"No, we didn't. I myself had an amazing one." I said smirking and it took him a while to get it, but when he did he smacked my head again and sat up.

"Stop that!" He said blushing harder and he looked so cute.

"Never." I replied and he looked away. I sat up and wrapped one arm around his waist, kissing his shoulder softly, and he relaxed. "Wait, did you say it was 14:20?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"I'm supposed to meet Dumbledore in 15 minutes! Shit!" I said getting up and getting dressed clumsily.

Draco looked down and started shaking, so I stopped and kneeled down in front of him.

"Love?" I asked concerned.

"Harry... I-I love you, okay? I love you so much..." He said and started crying.

"I love you too... Draco, what is this about? Did I do something?" I asked taking his hand in mine and he squeezed it hard.

"Y-You did nothing wrong... you're perfect... and I wish things could be different... I wish we didn't live in a war... I wish I could spend my life with you without having to worry about anything else... I-I could never put in words how much you mean to me." He whispered, his voice cracking every now and then, and I hugged him.

"Everything is perfect... I don't care if we're at war. I wouldn't care if the whole world was against us, that would never stop me from knowing it's you I want forever... I don't know why you're telling me this, but I wouldn't change a thing about what we have now. Yes, I wish we could walk hand in hand outside the school grounds without worries. Yes, I sometimes wish things could be different. But then I look at us, all these little moments, and I feel so happy. It makes me forget everything else. You said you could never put in words what I mean to you. I don't need you to put it in words. You hold my hand and I know it. You look at me and I know it. You kiss me and I know it. And Merlin knows I feel the same." I said not looking away from his eyes for a second, and in the end, he was full-on sobbing and holding my hand for dear life.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me with more passion than he ever has and I did the same, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Y-you and your speeches..." He mumbles with a soft smile and I kissed his tears away.

"What can I say? You're inspiring." I replied and he laughed softly. "I really have to go now. I'm already making the old man wait long enough." I said laughing softly.

He kissed me again and gave me a sad smile, then reached for his robes, taking a bracelet off it's pocket and placing it on my hand.

"I want you to have this..." He whispered.

I looked at the bracelet, it had an angel wing and a dragon wing covered in small green gems, and I smiled.

"It's gorgeous..." I mumbled, and he showed me his wrist, he had the same bracelet, only with red gems.

"Look inside." He said and I picked up the bracelet to look inside.

"Semper in pectore meo? What does this mean?" I asked confused.

"It's Latin... it means 'Always in my heart'." He said then put around my wrist, and took my hand to his chest where his heart is.

"Thank you..." I said as I felt his heartbeat fast under my hand.

I leaned in and kissed him deeply.

"Why?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Uh- it's not just a bracelet." He said, then tapped his the dragon twice, and I felt my bracelet cooling down. Then he tapped the angle twice and it heated up.

"It's amazing! Did you do it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Cold means danger. Tap it and it will guide me to you. Don't use it unless it's an emergency, because it may damage the charm. Warm means I'm okay. And I love you. Tap it and I'll tap back so you know you're not alone." He explained, and I tapped the angel wing twice, which caused him to smile softly. He tapped his angel wing and I kissed him softly. "Everyone who isn't me or you and tries to take it off gets a full body bind hex." He said looking proud about that bit and I laughed.

"I love you." I said and kissed him one more time, before getting up. He got up after me and hugged me. "I'll see you later, alright?" I said and he didn't reply, only hugged me tighter.

We pulled away after a while and he kissed me again, then looked into my eyes and said those three words I wish I knew would be for the last time.

"I love you."

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now