Chapter VII - Ron

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Hey guys!

Just wanted to warn you I changed the break they were supposed to start soon to summer break because for the storyline I was heading to spring break just didn't make sense.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but now that that's sorted out, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'll leave you to it now.

2 weeks later

Harry's POV

Two weeks passed by, three more days until break, and I found myself sitting beside Draco in our living room, a tense silence surrounding us as we didn't dare look at one another.

Draco had been sneaking out at night, leaving me to wake up alone in a cold sweat every single night, as my nightmares got worse day by day.

I never brought it up, but that was until today, when he didn't come back until late in the morning, so I decided I had to talk to him.

That's why we were here, it's pretty clear he knows exactly what I wanted to talk about, that's why he won't look at me.

"So?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"So what?" He replied nervously.

"Are we going to sit here and pretend you haven't left to who knows where every fucking night?" I snapped and he looked down in shame. "What have you been doing? What the hell is wrong with you? You know damn well I have nightmares! You know damn well there was no way I wouldn't find out!! You left me! Did you know I spent every night you were gone laying awake? Waiting for you to arrive? Worrying for you? Pretending to be asleep so you would think you hadn't been caught? Waiting for you to come up to me and explain yourself!"

"I'm sorry..." Draco whimpered.

"Save it! You're not sorry." I said without looking at him, and then I felt my eyes prickle as tears threatened to fall. "Do you not love me anymore? Do you not care? Draco... oh, Merlin, please tell me it's not that..." I whispered, feeling my voice break.

"Harry..." was the only thing he managed to say.

"I'm so stupid..." I said resting my forehead in my hand. "Is it something I did? Did you find someone else? Am I not enough...?" I mumbled in pain, feeling my heart breaking at each moment he kept silent.

"It's- it's not that..." Draco whispered and placed his hand on top of mine, squeezing softly. "Harry, I love you so much..."

"Then what is it? Please, Draco, I can't keep feeling like this..." I begged.

"I-I can't..." he said and another moment of silence envolved us.

"Then tell me when you can." I said bitterly after a while and started getting up, but Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on his lap, one leg at each side of him, and kissed me hard. I melted into the kiss but came to my senses after a while and pulled away. "Don't-" I took a deep breath. "Don't do this, please." I whispered and got up. "I'm going to visit Ron on the hospital wing."

"What? What happened?" He asked, sounding slightly worried.

"Apparently Slughorn offered him a drink that turned out to be poisoned. Thankfully he's alive, if it hadn't been treated fast he could've died." I shook my head. "Come to me when you're ready to talk."

I said then left our quarters, not looking back.


Draco's POV

I almost killed Weasley. 

This can't be happening.

I groaned and laid on my back, breathing heavily.

No no no no no... this wasn't supposed to happen like this! 

That was the drink Slughorn was going to offer to Dumbledore, he was supposed to drink it!

Thank Merlin Harry didn't look at me as he said that, or the look on my face would have told him the truth.

I have to be more careful and I also have to find another way to work on the stupid vanishing cabinet. It's going pretty good actually, I think it's almost ready to let people use it.

The break is almost there I have to think of a way to fix it so I can report something back to Father.

And I have to get Harry back. The pained expression in his face as he thought I didn't love him anymore was awfully heartbreaking, and I can't let myself go the Manor before making things right between us.

But first, back to the Room of Requirements.


3rd POV

"For the last time, yes, I'm feeling better! Bloody hell, you're making it look like I died!" Ron huffed from his bed as Harry kept asking questions over and over again.

"I'm sorry, Ron. I'm just worried." Harry sighed in defeat.

"Don't apologize. I appreciate that you're here. It sucks laying here alone with only Madam Pomfrey to talk to. And she's not much of a talker unless you count 'Mr. Weasley, I have other patients so if you kindly shut up it'd be appreciated' as keeping me company." He said as he imitated her voice jokingly and Harry laughed softly.

"I'm just glad you're okay. And if you need company ask and I'll be here." Harry said and Ron smiled at him.

"Thanks, mate." He said. "Shouldn't you be getting back to Malfoy?"

Harry frowned and looked away.

"What did he do? If he hurt you I'll kill him." Ron threatened.

"It's not like that... we had a fight. Nothing big I'm sure it'll be over soon..." He said sadly.

I hope it's over soon...

He sighed and Ron patted his back.

"When will you be good enough to go back to class?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know, but I don't think I'm leaving before break. Are you spending it with me and 'Mione by the way?"

"No, I'm going to stay with Sirius and Remus, they invited me and I think they want to make up for the time they've lost. Did you know they would've adopted me if Sirius hadn't gone to Azkaban? Imagine what would that be like!" Harry said happily and Ron smiled.

"Malfoy's going with you, right?"

"No... he's going to the Manor..." Harry said looking down, obviously upset.

"And you're letting him? Have you gone mad? After everything you've told me you're going to let your boyfriend go back to that place?" Ron asked, confused and sounding a little bit worried, even if he'd never admit it.

"I tried convincing him to come with me, but he wouldn't listen. His mind is set on going there, and he's stubborn." Harry replies sadly.

"You still have two days to try to convince him not to go! What are you waiting for?" Ron asked which flashed a new sense of determination in Harry.

"You know what? You're right. I'm going to do everything I can to convince him to come with me while I still can!" He said confidently and got up. "I'll come back later Ron, and thank you, I needed that." He said as he ran out of the Hospital wing back to his quarters.

"You're welcome." Ron mumbled when he got out of the door and smiled to himself.

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now