Chapter XIV - Coward

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Hey guys...

I'm terribly sorry for not updating this book in so long, a lot of things happened and I got a little discouraged. But after reading your comments asking me to update, I decided I owed it to all of you.

I'm not giving up on this story! Updates just might be slower. I'm going to try my best so I don't let you down!

Again, I'm sorry for the long wait, but I have great plans for this story, I'll try writing whenever I have free time!

Without further ado, here's the so long awaited chapter ;)

Draco's POV

Never in my life have I felt anything that resembled what I felt right now. The absolutely betrayed expression in the one person I swore to always protect from any harm haunted me as I was dragged outside the castle by Bellatrix.

She was laughing, jumping, celebrating, along with the other Death Eaters, and my heart pounded against my chest, tears threatening to fall.

All I could think about was Harry, and I kept desperately tapping the bracelet, hoping to feel it warm up against my skin, but it never did.

I watched in horror as Bellatrix proceeded to set Hagrid's hut on fire, and swallowed my tears away once more, I couldn't look weak in front of anyone.

Just as I thought nothing could hurt me more, I heard Harry, shouting at Snape, calling him a coward, but I couldn't turn around to face him, I'd end up regretting it.


I heard him shouting, and my heart sank at the memory of the day he used it on me. Snape easily defended himself, then said something I couldn't understand, everything was blurry.

I was grabbed by one of the masked Death Eaters, knowing they were about to aparate, and only then did I turn to face the love of my life.

We locked eyes for a few seconds, my sorry and guilty ones staring straight into his hurt and scared ones as he laid on the floor.

I tapped the bracelet one last time, and before I knew it, me and the Death Eaters were aparating to the Malfoy Manor, bracing ourselves to face the Dark Lord.


Harry's POV

I was angry. Really angry.

As I dueled Snape, my eyes kept flickering over to the figure I'd grown to love, and he wouldn't even aknowledge my presence.

Draco was a coward. A liar, traitorous coward.

And every bit of my body wanted to hate him. I wanted to never see his face for the rest of my life, I wanted to run over and scream at him for doing this to me.

But instead I channeled all my anger on Snape, wanting to hurt him like I was hurting inside.

Everything was bad. I lost Draco, I lost Dumbledore. What had I done to deserve this? Was I that bad of a person? My heart had broken into millions of little pieces, an irreversible damage, and I feared this would hurt forever.

I wanted to forget all about Draco, obliviate all his memories off my mind, leaving only the ones that painted him as an enemy, the snobbish Malfoy heir who I hated with every fiber of my body.

But how could I forget him?

How could I forget his gentle touches? His soft lips that fit against mine like they were made for me? His encouraging words, making me believe I was worth it?

I hated that I loved him. And I hated even more the fact that I always would. Nothing could change that, no amount of pain, loss, betrayal, or remorse I felt, my heart belonged to Draco Malfoy, and he had grabbed it, played it, then left it to rot.

My breath hitched as my eyes locked with his, and I wanted him to come back. I wanted him to kiss me and say this was just a nightmare, then wake up to him hugging me close, caressing my back and whispering in my ear that it would be okay, and he was there.

But this wasn't a dream. It was reality, and reality sucked.

I kept my eyes fixated on his until the moment he was gone, and as soon as there were no Death Eater left, a strangled sob escaped my lips, and I huffed my knees to my chest.

I felt the bracelet heat up, and that only made me cry harder, because I didn't believe it.

Draco didn't love me. Someone who loved another would never hurt them this way.

I felt like tearing the bracelet from my wrist, crush it and burn it, but for some reason, I couldn't do that.

In that moment, I just wanted everything to stop. The pain, the distant screams and sobs as people mourned Albus Dumbledore, the sound of the wind swirling like it always did.

There was only one thing in my mind, and that thing took the shape of a blonde Slytherin, and how much I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me.


Everything that happened next was a blur. I didn't know how my legs took me to where everyone was standing, and we raised our wands in honor of the greatest wizard of our time.

Before I knew it, I was back to the astronomy tower with Ron and Hermione, explaining everything to them, and I could see Ron's face flashing with anger and Hermione's with shock.

"I hate him."

I said, but it was clear I didn't mean that.

"Snape is going to pay for what he did. And so will Draco. I won't stop until I bring all of them down, one by one, starting with Voldemort."

I added, and Ron nodded in agreement, while Hermione shook her head.


She stared talking, but I stopped her, rasing my hand and indicating her not to say anything.

I proceeded to explain them all about the Horcruxes, and how Dumbledore had given me the mission to find them, we knew we had to come up with a plan, and fast.

My bracelet heated up for a few moments, and I glared at it, before dismissing it then turning to look at the sky, the faint Dark Mark almost disappeared in the now clearer sky.

Mark my words, Draco Malfoy is going to pay for everything he put me through, and he's going to regret ever daring to cross me.

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now