Part 2: Stolen Identity

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Deathbringer's POV

I could barely stand. I was hungry. I was thirsty. I needed to see the sun. But even though I was all these things, I had to make sure that Glory was okay. I had to make sure that he didn't get to her. I had to make sure that he didn't make too much damage for the past three hours. I still didn't know how I was defeated. Oh, I remember now, I thought bitterly. There wasn't a fight. Clearly, my attack knows that I'm undefeatable so he decided to be a coward and nightshade me. 

I turned my head to the deep cut on my leg that was starting to infect. Even though I was knocked out, that didn't stop the attacker from jabbing a huge spear in my leg. I growled began to stand. A smashing pain banged against my leg as I tried so desperately to stand. I cried out in pain once I couldn't stand it anymore. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," a deep voice said. I looked through the bars of my cell, trying to see who is talking.  "You're only going to cause yourself more pain," the male voice said. I frowned and growled at my visitor. 

"Step into the light, amateur," I hissed, trying to sound menacing and not like I was writhing in pain. 

"Smart, aren't I? Cutting your leg while you were asleep so you wouldn't fly or run away," the dragon grinned, ignoring my outburst. 

"I said step into the light so I can see you're cowardly face!" I barked. The dragon laughed but obeyed me. I gasped once I saw the dragon before me. He looked like me. Everything about him was exactly like me. See, Glory, I am handsome, I thought, grinning. Focus Deathbringer! Don't focus on your good looks! 

"Who's the coward?" Fake Deathbringer said, smirking. I frowned and prepared to strike him. Fake Deathbringer just looked me up and down then walked away. 

"Who are you, really?" I hissed. Fake Deathbringer chuckled and started to pace around my cell. "Tell me, coward! Or so help me I will reach my talon down your throat and rip out all your organs! And trust will be as painful as the moons," I described, growling. 

"If I tell would ruin the surprise," Fake Deathbringer smirked. Moons! He even got my smirk right! What was with this guy? Was he obsessed with me? Because NO ONE can master that smirk better than me. I shook my head and looked at Fake Deathbringer with a death glare. Suddenly, an idea popped into my brain. 

"At least tell me what you're planning," I frowned, laying back down, "giving" up. Fake Deathbringer scoffed and shook his head. 

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Fake Deathbringer barked. 

"Well...yes, actually," I replied, smirking. "But that's not the point. The point is that I'm not going anywhere and I would like to know what you're going to do to" I trailed off. What was I going to call Glory? I would LOVE to call her my partner but then again...we aren't. We aren't even Girlfriend and Boyfriend. But friend seems too...hopeless. My Queen? But I always say that she's my queen. "What are you going to do to my queen?" I said. 

Fake Deathbringer paused for a bit then sighed. "Alright, if you really want to know," he said. "But it's not really about hurting Glory. It's more like" Hmm, he wants revenge. But for what? Did I kill this guy's parents? Did I kill a relative? Did I kill his partner? Did I kill ANYBODY he knew? ...Most likely, I thought to myself. I mean, I killed A LOT of dragons in youth. Heck, I'm still in my youth. Why am I talking about it like I lost it? Focus Deathbringer, listen to what this guy is saying. It could be useful. 

"What did I do that hurt you so badly?" I wondered, using my assassin instincts. 

Fake Deathbringer grabbed the bars of the cell quickly and bared his teeth at me. Yup. I defiantly killed someone he loved. "You hurt me. So, now I'm going to hurt you," he growled. Called it. 

"Right. The classic bad guy thing," I nodded. "Continue about how you're going to torture Glory to get to me," I said forcing a fake smile. It took a lot of strength to say that.

"I know she has feelings for you. More than you know," Fake Deathbringer said, smiling. "So...I'm going to use that and hurt her emotionally. And the best part, you're going to watch...EVERYTHING. You're going to see her cry in her hut and watch as she forces a smile. You're going to watch as I marry your cousin and you're going to watch as I tell Glory that you don't love her.'re going to writhing in pain, knowing that you can't help her. You'll hear her wails and not be able to do anything about it," Fake Deathbringer crackled. 

I stopped breathing. I knew I was going to regret asking what I asked. But I didn't know how much I regretted it. Fake Deathbringer whispered something into a clamshell and then he slid it over to me.  I opened it and saw beautiful Glory on her bed, sobbing. I heard her as she wailing my name. Her gorgeous scales were grey and dull and her tears created puddles. Tears of my own started to fall down my snout. How could I let this happen? How could I've left Glory to get her flowers? Why didn't I stay with her? If I stayed with her...this wouldn't be happening. Glory would be hitting my snout with her tail right now. But instead, she was sobbing on her bed and I couldn't hold her. 

"Deathy don't cry," Fake Deathbringer pouted. I didn't look at him, my focus was on Glory and her tears. 

"You're a monster," I growled, crying. 

"But this is only the beginning," he smirked. 

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