Part 11: Husky

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Glory's POV

"You know what I loved the most about this...mix up was that I got to hear how much you loved me," Deathbringer smirked. 

"You had no right to eavesdrop on my thoughts," I snapped. 

"I didn't really have a choice," grinned Deathbringer. We walked back to the reception, talking about our time apart. However, I would very much like to avoid this conversation. I hissed when Deathbringer placed his wing around me. He ignored my outburst and smirked at me. "Aw, that's not how you felt a few weeks ago," he grinned. 

"Oh shut up," I growled, but my scales turned bright pink. I could still feel his smirk on me when I walked into the reception. Before I walked back, I whispered the plan into Deathbringer's ear. Whispering to him made me not breathe. I felt like my words got stuck in my throat. I felt as though I was going to throw up. Stupid butterflies. 

Deathbringer nodded at the plan then hid in the trees. I walked in and saw Husky in his Deathbringer outfit. I felt the urge to attack him right then and there. But Jaguar's eyes were on me when I walked in. After he told me who Fake Deathbringer really was, I wanted to kill Husky. I still haven't found the reason why Husky would do this. 

I walked up to Husky and placed my wing around him. "'Sup," I said. 

"'Sup?" Husky said. His grey eyes on me. Even though he was in his Deathbringer costume, I still think of him as an IceWing. "Are you high on Pineapples? If so just tell me, I'll call the wedding off," Husky chuckled. I shook my head and laughed with him. 

"No, I just thought I would act chill," I smirked. "Also, I have a toast to perform," I yelled. All the RainWings and NightWings surrounded me. I looked at the trees and saw Deathbringer perched on one of the branches. "Okay, I have known Deathbringer for a long time now," I started. "I laughed, smirked, and yelled at him. I never met such a smug, annoying, but...considerate dragon -- well besides Starflight," I said. Dragons chuckled. I cleared my throat and looked at the trees with tears in my eyes. "Deathbringer, you didn't know, but I had feelings for you. And even though it's not me you're getting married to, I just want to wish you the most happiness that you could get." 

Small tears trickled down my cheek, but it wasn't for Husky. It was for Deathbringer. But when I looked up, Deathbringer wasn't there. Suddenly, there was a thump behind me. I spun around and smiled at him. "I love you too," Deathbringer proclaimed. He pulled me closer to him and pressed his snout against mine. 

When he pulled away, he growled at Husky. "H-how?!" Husky burst. 

"You know, for someone so smart, you forgot to make the bars fireproof," Deathbringer hissed. He pulled out a few chakrams and prepared to slice Husky. "I should kill you for putting Glory through all that pain. I should kill you because you put my cousin in such an awful situation!" I tried my best not to wince at how loud his voice was. However, to be honest, I admired how much he loved me. 

Destineyseeker ran over to Deathbringer, the real one, and hugged him. "C-cousin!" she sobbed. "You're alive!" she cried. 

"Of course I am," Deathbringer smirked. Destineyseeker smiled then stood behind him. "I know who you are...but I won't say it," he sighed. 

"What?!" Destineyseeker and I exclaimed. 

"I already ruined your life. I don't need to make it worse," Deathbringer put the chakrams away and looked Husky in the eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing; Deathbringer wasn't going to expose him? How come? "But I'll give you a headstart to run away...and never come back," he growled. 

Husky glared at Deathbringer with his grey eyes then flew off into the Rainforest. I never wanted to see that dragon again. And if I did then I'll send the guards after him with pitchforks lit by fire. Deathbringer turned towards me and smirked. Hey, at least things are a little more normal. 

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