Part 4: The Hiring

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Glory's POV

I was evil. I was mean. I was selfish. Right now, I was sitting down with Destinyseeker in her hut. I couldn't wait to demolish their relationship so I decided to start with his bride. Destinseeker probably doesn't know EVERYTHING about Deathbringer. So, it was time for me to lie. I never really liked to lie. But I'll do anything to be with Deathbringer. 

"Queen Glory, may I ask you something?" Destinyseeker wondered. I nodded, hoping it was something that DIDN'T have to do with Deathbringer. Destinyseeker paused for a bit then opened her mouth. "Have you and...Deathbringer...kissed?" she whispered. 

My head snapped up and pink started to form on my scales. Did she just say what I think she just said, I thought, trying so hard to stop blushing. But, to answer her question, I wish we did...Woah. Glory, what the moons was that?! 

But it's true...

Stop! Focus. " No, we didn't," I said. Destinyseeker nodded, but I didn't know whether it was a sad nod or a happy nod. Use your brain, Glory. Of course, she's happy that you didn't kiss Deathbringer. 

Wait, here's my window to break up their engagement. 

Should I be doing this? 

Yes. She's taking Deathy away from you, Glory. "Uh, but, um..." I trailed off. I didn't think this through. What was I going to say? He's a bad kisser? I just said that we never kissed. 

But you know he's a good kisser.  

How do I know this? 

C'mon, he's Deathbringer. He's good at everything. I frowned. This ongoing conflict between my good side and bad side kept disrupting my thoughts. Just make a lie, my bad side purred. I sighed. My bad side was right. 

Don't lie. You're a Queen for moons sakes! My good side exclaimed. 

Shut up, My bad side growled. Don't listen to goody-to-shoes over there. Lie. You know you want to...

No! If you lie then what kind of example will you set for your subjects? That it's okay to lie? You're better than that, My good side said. I groaned. 

But if I don't lie then...Deathbringer will be hers and not mine...I thought. My good side shut up. Even though she didn't want me to do bad things...she loved Deathbrigner as much as I did, so did my bad side. 

Lie, My bad side hissed. 

Fine. Lie, My good side whispered. I smiled triumphantly then turned to Destinyseeker. "However...Deathbringer and I did...have benefits," I lied. Destinyseeker looked at me with both a shocked and disgusted face. The shocked I planned for but the disgusted "Yeah," I lied again. If Deathbringer found out I said this he will be furious, I giggled. Moons. I giggled. But I guess it sells the performance, but geez. What is love doing to do me? 

"Oh," Destinyseeker whispered. "He never told me that," she said. I bit the inside of my mouth to stop myself from grinning. Score. Point Glory! 

"But man...he's..." I trailed off. Do I want to go this far? 

Yes, my bad side grinned. 

"aaammmaaazzzinnnnggg," I grinned. Destinyseeker looked like she was about to throw up. "You're going-" 

"I'm going to stop you right there," Destinyseeker squeaked. "Uh, please don't continue..." she shuddered. I smirked then looked back to the sun. As I stared at the gorgeous rainforest, I started to wonder why Destinyseeker didn't want to hear more. Isn't she marrying him soon? I looked at Destinyseeker again, she looked so familiar. I looked at her wings, did all NightWings have the same star pattern? Because Deathbringer and Destinyseeker have almost the exact same. I shook my head and looked somewhere else. 

"Queen Glory?" Destinyseeker wondered. I looked at her. 


"I'm going to be perfectly honest with you...I don't trust you," Destinyseeker said, her eyes going dark. I gulped, did she find out my plans? "My Co-uh-Deathbringer. My D-Deathbringer," she paused and turned her head. Does she want to cry? Wait, what was that gagging noise? "Loves-uh-loved you. Even though I should feel jealousy towards you...I have to ask you a question." 

"Go ahead," I encouraged, curious to what she had to say. 

"Did you treat him right?" Destinyseeker asked. 

"Yes," I whispered. "At least I thought I did. But I guess it wasn't enough...seeing as you're his bride," I whimpered. I turned my head so she wouldn't see the tears that kept streaming down my snout. I don't usually show my weaknesses in front of dragons. But it's different now. I finally lost someone I really cared for. I shouldn't care this much. Don't I say that Deathbringer isn't my boyfriend? So why do I care so much? 

Why did I feel this way? Why did I feel like someone reached down my throat and tore out my heart? And why did it have to be Deathbringer who made me feel this way? I'd rather it be Silver that did this to me. 

To my surprise, Destinyseeker wrapped her wings around me and laid her head on my shoulder. Uncontrollable sobs escaped my mouth. "W-why are you holding me? Shouldn't you be saying something like, 'Well, he's mine now," or something?" I sobbed. 

"I know what it's like to lose someone you love," Destinyseeker murmured. I glanced at her with sympathy. Who did she lose that was so important to her? Is that why she's jumping into a marriage so quickly? But if that's her reason then what's Deathbringer's reason? Almost to soon, Destinyseeker cleared her throat and stood straighter. "I think it's time for you to go," Destinyseeker growled. 

I nodded then walked away, even though I hate her...I could help but want to dig into her past. I wanted to know why she felt depressed. I wanted to know who she lost. But most importantly I want to know why she went for Deathbringer if there were all the other NightWings. 

Deathbringer's POV

Glory thought that I was a good kisser. I grinned. She thought I was a good kisser, I thought. Sweet. Wait, she never kissed me before-

"However...Deathbringer and I did...have benefits," Glory said. I gawked at the Clamshell. We were not friends with benefits. However, I wouldn't mind if we were. Stop grinning, Deathbringer, and focus on Glory. 

I watched painfully as Glory cried again. Why was Glory crying now?! Glory of all the times to cry, you chose now! When I'm locked in a cage! Glory never ceases to amaze me. 

Fake Deathbringer's POV

I growled at Destinyseeker. How could she?! "You did what?!" I barked. Destinyseeker trembled in fear and started back away. Her wings tightened in fear and her eyes wild with rage and anxiety. It almost hurt to see her hurt. Remind me again why I decided to bribe her into being my "wife"? 

Right. Because you like her. But she hates you, for torturing her cousin. Watching her scowl at me made me rethink my decision to torture Deathbringer. Then I go back to thinking about Northern. "I hugged her. She needed one," Destinyseeker whispered. "She lost Deathbringer and I know how that feels. To lose someone you love. Sure, we feel a different type of love toward my cousin but still! She was in pain and she needed a hug!" I growled and walked away. "Where are you going?" Destinyseeker wondered. 

"To fix your mistake," I snapped. I spread my wings and took off into the sky. But before I did that, I messaged one of my friends...Jaguar. I told him to meet me at a cafe in Possibility. It took almost the whole day to go there but when I did, I immediately saw Jaguar. "Jaguar," I greeted. 

"Wow. You know, when you said you would look different, I didn't expect to see you look THIS different," Jaguar said, his eyes widening. 

"Well, you look different too," I hissed. 

"I grew. You turn into a totally different person," Jaguar laughed. 

"Har Har," I growled. "Hey, I need something from you." 

"Sure, what's up?" 

"I need you to "fall in love" with Queen Glory," I ordered. 

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