Part 6: The Distraction

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 Glory's POV

I frowned and watched as Jaguar snaked his wing around my back defensively. I hissed at his touch. How dare he touch me the way Deathbringer touched me?! How dare he get his close to me? Doesn't he know that I hate being touched? Even Deathbringer knew that. Maybe that's why puts his wing around me. "Get your wing off me," I snapped.

Jaguar just smirked at me and removed his wing off me. I shuddered and continued to walk through the rainforest, trying to find Deathbringer's favorite fruit. I know, I know, it's so cheesy. But if I wanted to get Deathbringer back, I'm going to have to go all the way.

"Soooo...what are we doing in the middle of the rainforest your Majesty?" Jaguar asked. My scales turned red when he said that name. "What is it? Am I too close?" He wondered.

"Nothing. And to answer your question, we are in the middle of the rainforest looking for Cacao," I hissed.

"Is that a dragon or something?" Jaguar asked dumbly. I let out a humorless laugh and turned to him.

"No, you idiot. It's a fruit, you should really pay attention to your teachers," I snapped. Jaguar turned pink with embarrassment. I felt triumphant that I caused him to be embarrassed.

"Okay then...why?"

"Are  you that stupid?" I asked. "Because that's Deathbringer's favorite fruit! And I know right now he So, I thought that I would get him Cacao. It always calms him down," I explained. 

"How so?" wondered Jaguar. I looked at him suspiciously. Why would Jaguar want to know that? Jaguar looked down and gave me a kind smile. I couldn't help but smile back. Ugh! STOP! 

Yes, stop, my bad side thought.

No! Continue liking him. Deathbringer is taken! Jaguar isn't. This is better for both you and Deathbringer, my good side thought. Do you want Deathbringer to be happy? 

Yes...but with me, I thought. 

....YES! My bad side cheered. 

...Why am I even good side thought. 

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to tell you a personal story. Yup, I don't at all care for my safety or Deathbringer's safety," I snapped, my scales turning red. 

Jaguar lifted his wings in a harmless matter and he laughed a little. "Glory-" I gave him a death glare, "er, Queen Glory, I'm the safest dragon out there right now. Moons, I'm your bodyguard. If you didn't think I was safe, why am I here?" Jaguar explained. 

"I don't think...that you aren't safe. I just have to get used to you," I sighed. "It's a big change from Deathbringer to...this," I said, gesturing to Jaguar. He looked at where I was pointing and frowned. 

"You just gestured to all of me," Jaguar stated. 

"YES!" I said. "Now you get it!" 

"Actually, I don't," he replied. I rolled my eyes and continued to search the trees. Suddenly, I found the perfect Cacao tree in the world. It was like an ongoing kingdom of cacaos! My scales turned yellow once I spotted them. I instantly started to fly over to the cacao. When I landed on the tree, I started to pick at least five. When I flew down, I smiled triumphantly. Then that smile dwindled when I saw how many Jaguar had. He had at least twenty! 

Ugh. No fair, I thought. "Let's go," I growled. I couldn't be late to see Deathbringer. I don't know why, but when the sun starts to set, Deathbringer just suddenly disappears. So, I had to get to him before sundown if I wanted to talk him out of marrying Destinyseeker. Jaguar and I walked home in silence until I watched as the sky started to change. "What time is it?" I asked. 

"Uh, around Sundown," Jaguar stated. I gasped and took off into the sky. Jaguar followed me. "Slow down! Glory! Slow down!" Jaguar yelled. 

"No! This is your fault!" I snapped. When I landed on my pavilion and didn't see Deathbringer, I growled in frustration. Jaguar landed next to me, I turned to face him, my snout filled with rage. Jaguar didn't move, he just stared at me. "Can you not stare at me like that! It's weird!" I hissed. He looked away and focused on the moons. I stomped over to my hut and slammed the door. When I reached my hammock, I laid down and started to sob. 

"W-why did y-you h-have to g-get m-married?" I sobbed. "Why?" I whispered. I felt the salty wet tears pour down my face. Ugh, I hate being wet. I looked out my window and realized that I spend most of the day talking to Jaguar. I stood up and walked out of my hut. When I searched my pavilion, I didn't find him. Was...was...was he trying to distract me? 

Deathbringer's POV

"YES! HE WAS! Glory, don't you see that he's trying to distract you?!" I cried. I ignored the pang of jealously that I felt in my heart, and my stomach started to growl. The word cacao made me want to eat some. Glory always knew my favorite things. I closed the shell and looked around again. I'm going to escape. I'm going to. Don't worry, Glory. I'm coming.  

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