Part 9: The Crash

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Destinyseeker's POV

Glory sat down in the front row, her green eyes narrowed, and her scales kept shifting from red to orange. I felt anxious and disgusted at the same time. I felt like I was betraying the one dragon that I loved. Hey, he left you...on your wedding day, I thought. I looked behind me and did my best to not wince at the sight of "Deathbringer". I'm going to kill him and then find my cousin if Deathbringer hasn't left already. 

Suddenly, I saw a flash of colors that I thought I would never see again. Bright white scales. Tears pooled in the corner of my eyes. I looked behind me and saw that  Fake Deathbringer had left. I took this as my chance to see if it was really him. I walked past all the guests and followed the little specks of white. 

It wasn't easy but I finally got out of the crowd. When I did, I saw a white tail. My heart jumped to my throat when I saw it. Relax, Destiny, it could be Deathbringer's friend's friend. But, I foolishly ignored my head and raced over to the white tail. "Hey! Stop!" I called nearly jumping on the white tail. 

The tail whooshed away and moments later, I was met with ice-cold talons on mine. I looked up and then my heart stopped. His gorgeous blue eyes stared into my purple ones with such love that it sent tears down my snout. "H-Husky?" I whispered. 

"Destiny," Husky murmured. Tears slid down my snout when he said my name. "I-I'm so sorry," he whispered, cupping my snout in his talon. "I-I d-didn't want to leave you. You know what happened to my parents was Deathbringer's fault, right?" He cried. 

"Of course, I do, that was all you could ever talk about!" I yelled. Although I was happy to see him, I was crushed with anger that he showed up after three years. 

"Well he wanted to kill me so I had to leave," ranted Husky. "I ran so I wouldn't be killed. So, you wouldn't spend the rest of your life hating Deathbringer." 

"Well, now I hate you!" I cried. Husky flinched and looked at the floor. 

"I know..." Husky sighed. "I know I let you down..." 

"Y-you broke me," I sobbed. "Do you know what I do every night?" I growled. "I cry. I cry until I can't anymore!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, music started playing. I looked around, confused out of my mind. "Where is this music coming from?" I hissed. 

"I don't know," Husky replied. He then looked at me and grabbed my talon. "But...will you have this dance?" I hesitated for a bit, wanting to think through this. He hurt you. He made you want to end your life. feels so good to have his talon on mine. I nodded and Husky spun me around. 

He pulled me closer to his chest and we swayed to the beautiful song. I laid my head on his shoulder, and soft tears escaped my eyes. I love Husky so much. I knew he loved me. But why did he leave me? I know he said that it Deathbringer's fault -- I know that it is --, but he could've brought me with him. I didn't care. 

I didn't care as long I as with him. I didn't care if we had to jump off the face of the continent! It's been three years. Three years since he left me. Three years since he ran. I miss him so much. I wish that we could dance forever. I wish I could be in his arms until the day I die. 

Glory's POV

I watched as Destinyseeker left the party to go follow something. This was my chance. I ran over to the back, searching for "Deathbringer". Rage filled my veins. I wanted to tear this guy apart! I wanted to watch as the light faded from his eyes. It sounds gruesome, I know, but he took Deathy away from me. No one does that. Not if they want to die. 

I searched the back endlessly until I finally saw him. His fake grey eyes stared into mine with awe and love. Rage boiled in me. How dare this imposter look at me like he loved me?! Oh he was so going to die! In his fake black talons, he held three ninja stars and he had cuts everywhere. 

Did he want to fight? Because bring it on, Husky, I'm ready to kill you. Also...WHY THE MOONS DID HE HAVE SCRATCHES EVERYWHERE? Not that I care. 

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