Part 10: You.

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Dedicated to Starcatcher2008 for this one comment that gave me this idea. 

Deathbringer's POV

I stared at the RainWing, marveling in her beauty. Tears threatened to spill when I saw her. I inched towards her but regretted it in a second. Just when I let out a breath, Glory jumped on me and pinned me to the ground. She opened her mouth and was about to spray her nasty venom on me. 

"Tell me where Deathbringer is, Husky!" Glory growled. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. The dragon I love is in front of me! She's finally here! "Talk before I melt that face of yours!" I couldn't help but grin. Aw, she cares about me, I thought, smirking. Deathbringer, stop. Now you really do look like a bad guy. 

"Glory..." I whispered. 

"What?! TALK!" she burst. 

"You..." I trailed off, trying to think of a good comeback. "You are so...blind." 

"Excuse me?!" 

"I'm right here," I chuckled, little tears escaping my eyes. She looked at me weirdly. "I'm right here, Glory." 

"No, you're not," Glory frowned. 

"I'm not lying." 

"Alright...tell me something only Deathbringer would know," Glory hissed. 

"I almost kissed you the night I went missing," I said. Glory gazed into my eyes then her scales turned yellow and blue. Suddenly, her whole body started shaking as she cried. "Glor-WOAH!" I gasped as she wrapped her wings around me. 

"Deathbringer, how could you leave me like that?!" Glory wailed. "I made a fool of myself trying to stop your wedding! I practically told the whole world that I loved you! I-" I cut Glory off by pressing my snout against hers. Glory was confused but kissed me back. When we pulled away, I stared into her gorgeous green eyes with affection.  

"I'm a good kisser, aren't I?" I smirked. Glory rolled her eyes but nodded. "Or should I was aaaaammmmmaaaaazzzziiiinnnggg, and I'm good at everything," I grinned. 

 "You have such a big ego," Glory said, rolling her eyes. 

"Also, I never knew that we had benefits," I laughed. Glory's eyes widened then she shook her head. 

"We aren't! Who said that we were?" Glory hissed. 

"You did. But, I could see your confusion. I mean, we did flirt with each a lot," I continued. Glory turned bright pink. 

"H-how did you know that?" Glory growled. 

"I heard you say it. Part of Husky's torture device. He gave me a clam that lets me read your mind and see you," I said. Glory rolled her eyes and got up. Before she could push away, I pulled her toward me again and placed my snout on hers again. This time Glory wasn't confused, she just kissed me back. 

"Let's go stop an IceWing." 

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