Part 3: Deathbringer And His Bride

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Glory's POV 

I spread my wings gracefully and prepared to take off. The colors of my scales were deep blue and purple. I decided that if I was going to see Deathbringer and his bride, I was bound to feel guilty about demolishing their wedding. So, why not start the day being purple. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. 

Prepare yourself, I thought. You're about to see Deathbringer, the love of you're life, with another dragon. It's going to be hard. It's going to be REAL hard. have to do this. As I thought about preparing myself, I didn't focus on my surroundings. So, I yelped in fear when somedragon tapped their tail on my shoulder. I turned around and prepared to spray my venom on my attacker. 

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" squeaked Kinkajou. I frowned and changed my scales to dark red. "I didn't mean to startle you, Glory," Kinkajou said, ashamed. Deep purple escaped onto my scales and my eyes softened. 

"It's quite alright, Kinkajou," I whispered, turning around. I bowed my head and folded my wings in sadness. If only I could bring myself to not cry in front of Deathbringer and his bride. Usually, it would be easy...but this is a different situation. Kinkajou must have sensed my sadness because I felt the warmth of her wings against my back. 

"Glory?" Kinkajou wondered. I shook my head, ignoring her question. She said, "Okay..." After a long pause, I just started to sob. Kinkajou was confused for a bit but she didn't let go of me. I stayed there for a while, crying. After I stopped crying, I shook my wings and took off into the sky. Kinkajou didn't say anything, she just watched as I flew to the NightWing village. 

The whole flight there, I practiced holding in my tears. I thought I mastered it, but when I landed and saw Deathbringer with his wing around his bride, I knew that I hadn't mastered it at all. It was going to take a miracle to not cry right there on the spot. I plastered a fake smile on and walked over to Deathbringer and his bride. 

I inhaled sharply once I saw her. She had black scales and a purple underbelly. Her wings folded neatly but I noticed that some of the stars on her wings matched with Deathbringer's, but it didn't make her any less gorgeous. And to top off all her gorgeous details, her purple eyes bored into mine. This dragon looked absolutely gorgeous and a weird feeling entered me. Jealousy. I never really felt jealousy before. But I guess I now know what Peril feels like whenever Clay talks to another dragon. Peril really needs to get that checked out. 

I shook my head and focused on Deathbringer and his bride. "Deathbringer," I greeted. He smiled but didn't remove his wing from her back. I knew I made a face for my attempt to not wince because Deathbringer gave me a concerned face. 

"My Queen," he smirked. Even if he's losing his bachelorhood, he's not losing that smirk. "Meet, Destinyseeker," Deathbringer smiled at his bride. 

The beautiful NightWing walked up to me with a wide smile. She grabbed my talon and shook it vigorously. My eyes widened in alarm but I let her shake my talon. "It's a GREAT pleasure to finally meet you," Destinyseeker beamed. 

"It's...nice you too," I lied, gritting my teeth. Keep it up Glory, I thought to myself. Don't show that you want to rip her limb from limb. I decided to play the joke card. "I see Deathbringer has a type," I laughed nervously. Deathbringer and Destinyseeker looked at me with a confused look. I felt blush seep into my scales and my scales turned light red in embarrassment. "Uh...because Deathbringer and I had a thing going..." I said, trying to explain. 

"But...I'm not a RainWing or a queen," Destinyseeker said, her voice sounding sweet. I did my best to not roll my eyes. Well, I KNOW that Destinyseeker, I thought angrily. 

"Well, the reason-"

"No, Glory's right," Deathbringer said, cutting in. I smiled and nodded. "I do have a type. Queens." 

"But as I said, I'm not a queen," the NightWing whispered. Deathbringer raised her snout with his talon and smiled sweetly. 

"No. But you're my queen," Deathbringer purred. Moons. Water. Tears. Sadness. Look away, Glory. LOOK AWAY! I listened to my rational self and looked away, trying to stop the tears. But when I looked back, I saw something that I didn't think I would ever see in a bride-to-be. I saw disgust in her eyes. Even though her blush and her smile may say otherwise, I saw disgust in her eyes. It was like...she didn't want to be Deathbringer's wife. I shook the thought away and looked at the couple. 

"Gah! Save the mushy romance stuff for the honeymoon," I said, forcing a grin. 

Deathbringer laughed and bumped his wing with mine. He grinned at me then cupped Destinyseeker's snout with his talons then mushed his snout against hers. A sudden tug of betrayal and pain stabbed me.  A few tears trickled down my snout but luckily, Deathbringer and Destinyseeker were too into the kiss that they didn't see them. Destinyseeker pulled away then smiled. 

"Wow, Bringer," Destinyseeker breathed. Deathbringer whispered something in her ear and she nodded and walked away. Even though she left Deathbringer and I alone, I still felt jealous of her. 

When we were alone, Deathbringer twined his tail with mine in a friendly manner. I winced but smiled. "Thanks for being so cool about this," Deathbringer whispered. His whisper seeped into my ear and I felt at home. Even though he was marrying another dragon, I still felt like he was my home. 

"It's nothing," I said, lying. 

"Great...because I want you to be there when we get married," Deathbringer smiled. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Aw, you're tearing up. You're such a good friend," Deathbringer said, grinning. No, Deathbringer. I'm not. I'm so selfish. I'm so selfish because I want to be with you. I want you to be my groom, my husband, my partner. But, you're not going to be. And that hurts me more than anything. "So, what do you say?" Deathbringer asked. 

"S-sure," I croaked. 

"Great. Hey, I got to go find Destinyseeker. It was nice of you to show up," Deathbringer beamed. "See you at the rehearsal dinner!" he called. 

"You mean work!" I called back. "You still have a job to do!" Deathbringer just laughed and then flew out of sight. Deathy...I want you back. I want to start over. I want to be kinder. I want to be the perfect girl of your dreams. I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. Tears trickled down my snout as I watched him fly away. 

Deathbringer's POV

I watched in agony as Glory cried in the rainforest. The dragon that's torturing me, Fake Deathbringer, was worst than I thought. He didn't tell me that I had to hear her thoughts too. So, now my face was now a little sticky from the tears that I shed after hearing Glory's thoughts about her wanting me. I threw the clam to the other side of the cell and roared in rage. 

"YOU MONSTER!"  I cried, trying to stand. But once I put pressure on the leg that had the wound, I withered in pain. I laid down and thought about my cousin, she had to pretend that she was getting married to me. She had to kiss my face. She had to act lovey-dovey. Destinyseeker may look like she's joining forces with Fake Deathbringer. But I can see the way her eyes fill with disgust. I can see that the only reason she wants to do this is that she wants to keep me safe.  Poor Glory. Glory, I'm going to come. And when I do, I'll rip Fake Deathbringer limb from limb for you. 

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