Part 8: The Rehearsal Dinner

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Fake Deathbringer's POV

"I thought I told you to distract her!" I burst at Jaguar. He didn't wince or flinch at the volume of my voice. 

"Husky, you can't just expect her to fall in love with me in a day," Jaguar growled. 

"She fell in love with Deathbringer the moment he started talking like a smart butt," I snapped. 

"That's because she belongs with him. You know the saying "When you know, you know"? Well, she knew," sighed Jaguar. I walked up to him and wrapped my talon around his neck. 

"I don't care that she knew! Deathbringer deserves to SUFFER after what he did to me! To my family! To OUR family!" I yelled. Jaguar tried to wiggle out of my grasp, but I was too strong. "I don't care how, and I don't care where, just make her love you," I hissed, letting go of Jaguar's neck. 

"F-fine," he coughed. Jaguar turned around and flew to the RainWing village. I turned toward the direction of the NightWing village. I took flight, and in a few minutes, I landed on my porch and walked into my house. Inside, Destinyseeker was sweeping the floor. 

The moment I looked at her, tears escaped my eyes. This was all Deathbringer's fault. If he hadn't killed my parents, I wouldn't have to live with Jaguar's family. If Deathbringer hadn't introduced me to his cousin, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her. If Deathbringer hadn't tried to kill me the night before Destineyseeker and I were supposed to get married, I wouldn't have run away, and she wouldn't have thought I left her. 

I know, I should have told her that it was me, Husky, and not some random intruder. But I couldn't tell her if I did, then she would hate me more than she already does. However, seeing her standing there brought both joy and heartbreak into my heart. I had to do my best to shake those feelings out. I was the bad guy. I had to be heartless, only for a few more hours. 

Everything was going according to plan. Glory sang me that song, Deathbringer is filled with rage, and he left his cage. It was just a matter of when and how. But I had the feeling that it will be soon. 

Deathbringer's POV

I ran around the rainforest, trying to find my secret stash of weapons. Yes, yes, I know, why hide your weapons? FOR THIS EXACT REASON!  You may be thinking why go find stinking weapons? Why not just go to Glory and say "HEY IT'S ME! THE REAL DEATHBRINGER! THE ONE YOU LOVE! NOT THAT FROG-HEAD!" But I can't. If I do, then it will lose the element of surprise. 

If I go to Glory right now, then the Fake Me will know where I am and kill me in my sleep. As I thought about how this intruder took me and how he had a genius brain, I immediately knew who this dragon was. And I knew why he wanted to kill me so badly.  

Glory's POV

"Do I have to go?" I whined. 

"Yes. You're going," Jaguar growled, trying to pull me out of my hammock. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to go anywhere Deathbringer was. After he told me he didn't feel the same away anymore, I felt so depressed. I knew I lost my shot. So...what was the point of stopping their wedding? "Get out of bed, Glory," Jaguar hissed. 

"Jaguar, I love Deathbringer," I whispered. "It's to painful see him make lovey-dovey looks with h-her!" I sobbed. Jaguar was quiet for a bit. "Do you know what this pain feels like? It feels like you could just die. You feel horrible. You feel like you're rotting inside and out. Y-you, feel like you want to end your own life. You feel...empty," I ranted. I looked up at him with my green eyes full of tears. "I have never felt this much pain in my life," I sobbed. 

Jaguar didn't say anything, all he did was snuggle next to me. "Glory?" 


"...I need to tell you something..."

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