Part 5: New Phase

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Glory's POV


"You look gorgeous, you know," Deathbringer purred. I whipped my head in his direction, giving him a death stare. He laughed at my reaction, his amazing laugh. I didn't know why I was being so cocky or cheesy. I was just in the mood. "It's true!" he grinned. 

"You always say that," I muttered, looking down at the paperwork. Deathbringer walked over to me and peered over my shoulder. "Wow, I SO don't need space. Nope, I just love to be crowded by someone. You know me, I love to have physical contact," I said sarcastically. Deathbringer rolled his eyes and scooted away. I let out a small breath and straightened my back. I noticed how Deathbringer kept staring at me, and I noticed how little specks of pink kept washing on my scales. Stop doing that scales, I thought. 

Deathbringer clearly saw my scales because not a moment later, he grinned and sauntered over to me again. "Can you stop doing that?" I growled. 

He placed a talon over his heart and pretended to look hurt. "Why? I can tell you like it," he smirked. My eyes widened

"And how do you know that? Oh how can I forget, NightWings are all-knowing and all-brilliant, is that right?" I snapped. Deathbringer laughed and shook his head. 

He lifted his wings apologetically and grinned, just like he did the first time we met. "Don't forget all-wonderful and all-handsome," smirked Deathbringer. 

"You are so..." I trailed off, trying to think of a word that wasn't so offensive

"Handsome? Charming? Irresistible?" He said. 

"Troublesome," I grinned. 

"Aw, I thought you were going to say something like, "Oh, Deathbringer you are so charming and gorgeous that I can't contain myself! I must have you or else I'll die!" but troublesome is okay," purred Deathbringer. I turned to face him only to find his snout millimeters away from mine. His breath was sweet on my scales. A shiver of pink escaped and I scolded myself for showing this color. 

The moment was amazing. I felt exlirated to have his breath against my neck. I felt like that was were we belong. Right here. Just moments before we were about to kiss. But I felt to overcome with emotion. I cleared my throat and looked at the paper again. I haven't started writing yet, but I had to keep myself busy. Deathbringer sighed and pulled away. 

"I'm going to, uh, get something from my, uh, hut," Deathbringer muttered. 

"Do you even have...oh," but as soon as I said those words, Deathbringer was gone.  


I looked at the pile full of work and groaned. So MUCH work! Usually, Deathbringer would help me out while smirking because I asked for help. But instead, he was staring at me and grinned. I didn't know what kind of grin it was, but it was...strange. I shook my head and looked at the letter that Queen Moorhen sent me. It was three pages long and there were like five LONG paragraphs on each page. 

Ugh! It was like torture! How can Starflight stand reading?! It's so infuriating! I looked at Deathbringer gave him a look that said: 'Don't-just-stand-there-you-froghead-help-me'. But he just stared at me, not bothering to remove his eyes off me. So much for being a good friend, I thought bitterly. I sighed then looked back at my work. I decided yesterday that if I wanted to act normal for as long as possible then I would have to get back to my work. 

"Ahem," someone faked coughed. I didn't look up, Deathbringer would escort the annoying dragon that intruded on me out. But Deathbringer didn't move, but his eyes move away from me and were focused on the new dragon. I looked up, knowing that Deathbringer wasn't moving a muscle. I almost gasped at the beautiful creature before me. His head, tail, and talons were dark blue, almost as dark as NightWing scales. But his body was tangerine and cooper orange. And his eyes. Man, his eyes were the only thing I focused on. They were pearl grey and they stared right into my emerald green ones. "Hello," the handsome dragon smiled. 

"Hello," I said, trying my best not to stammer. I stood up straighter and asked, "What can help you with?" 

"Hi, I'm here for the job as the new bodyguard?" the dragon said. I whipped my snout to Deathbringer. He was resigning? Little soft specks of grey appeared on my scales. How could Deathbringer do this? 

Because he knows that he loves you and he wouldn't be able to contain himself when he gets married, My bad side said. 

No. It's because he doesn't want to hurt you when he gets married, My good side argued. 

Or maybe it's because he's hurting me...I thought. 

Don't be ridiculous! My good side exclaimed. 

"New, bodyguard position?" I echoed. Deathbringer smiled weakly and I looked away from him. "Tell me your name, or should I keep calling you, Mystery Dragon in my head?" I smirked. 

Mystery Dragon chuckled and grinned, "I wouldn't mind. But, my name is Jaguar." I nodded. 

"So, Jaguar...are you experienced in defense?" I wondered, trying to come up with bodyguard questions.  Jaguar nodded. "Have you ever killed someone?" I asked. 

"Not really," Jaguar answered. I looked at him suspiciously and then turned to Deathbringer, who was still stonefaced. 

"How do you not really kill someone?" I questioned. 

"Well, you hurt them really badly, so badly that it almost kills them. Then you give mercy," said Jaguar. I looked him in the eyes, if this guy was for real, then his eyes would say it. When I looked into his eyes, I saw pain, determination, and loyalty. But the loyalty and the determination were not for me. But no matter how much my brain kept saying "He's bad. Don't trust him". I wanted to know who he was holding this loyalty for. And why there was so much of it. 

"Alright, you got the job," I said with a sigh. Jaguar's face lit up and his scales shifted from yellow to blue. 

"When do I start?" Jaguar wondered. 

"Right now I guess." 

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