Chapter 23

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"So I was attacked by a werewolf?" Lydia asked confused as Mary had explained to her what had happened .

"Yeah pretty much " Marlene confirmed .

"I don't remember anything " Lydia said awestruck .

The guilt was overwhelming and I couldn't lie any longer to her . It was just to cruel .

"Not a thing?" Alice asked .

"Well I remember Marlene drunk-" Lydia stated before Marlene argued with her .

"I wasn't that drunk"

"Marlene don't kid yourself " Mary said shaking her head at her .

"Aw shove off McDonald your usually the one we have to drag along the street cause your the one-"

"Shut up the pair of you " Alice snapped at them motherly style .

"Sorry , as you were saying Lydi" Marlene agreed turning her attention back to her best friend.

"As I was saying , there was the truth and dare bit and then the rest is a total blur apart from the -" Lydia whispered the last bit looking down .

"Apart from the what Lydia ?" I asked worried .

"The pain , the pain was nothing like before " she answered which made my skin crawl .

"I'm sorry " Mary whispered .

"For what?" Lydia laughed .

"I'm...I'm not sure actually " Mary answered confused at herself .

"Eijit" Marlene laughed rolling her eyes .

"Push off " Mary laughed too nudging Marlene and Alice's.

"Anyway , we better go and let you rest ,coming Remus ?" Alice stated standing up and stretched while the others did the same .

"Nah I think I might stay here for a while , if that's okay with you Lydia ?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah that's fine of course " she answered with a bright smile on her face .

"See you later " Mary said and they all left with a small creek from the door .

For several minutes things were quiet . So quiet that you could drop a feather and hear it fall like a car crash . Then Lydia stiffed a laugh .

"What's so funny?" I asked in a small voice .

"Me and the forbidden forest , it seems to not like me " she laughed the looked away .

"Guess that's true "

"How did you find me the last time?"

"I can't remember it was all so fast and I just seen you lying there and I ...brought you here , in this bed they put you actually "

"Yeah I remember " she replied.

The guilt was overwhelming me as if I was drowning .I'd forgotten about the time I attacked her in third year . I was to dangerous around her I had to tell her and I had to tell her now .


"What's the matter Remus ? You look nervous "

"There's something I have to tell you...."


Okay chapters done .

And here's a few things people have been asking about .

* "COP ON" means like grow up or be realistic

* and for some reason Wattpad won't let me text or vote on this so I can't reply to all your question unless I tell you guys through this . Don't take it personally and keep that I mind and if you want to know some others things then dm me or ask through comments

Thanks XOXO


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