Chapter 21

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"What do you mean she knows about Remus!?" I shouted at Sirius while everyone else had gone to get some things for Lydia while me and Sirius stayed in the hospital wing incase she woke up .

"She figured it out because of our patronas's" he answered .

"Does Remus know that she knows ?" I asked calming down a bit .

"Not yet " he replied .

"Who's gonna tell him?" I asked not sitting down .

"No one" he replied simply .


"Look Prongs , if Remus hears that Lily knows his furry problem then everything will be awkward and then it'll get around to the entire school and that's not fair on Remus " he explained .

"And what makes you think that Lily will tell anyone ?" I asked defending my girlfriend.

"I don't think that , it's just if the others sense too that something's up they're gonna ask questions and for once we may just have to tell the truth " answered Sirius .

"Yeah I guess your right " I agreed .

"As always " he replied with a devious smile .

"Where's Peter?" I asked now realising he hadn't shown up to see Lydi and he hadn't been there last night either .

"I dunno" Sirius answered after a moment or two .

"You think he's heard" I asked nudging my head towards Lydia .

"Prongs, everyone's heard about last night " he replied .

"I suppose your right " I agreed with him .

"Then let's go and find him "


"So the blood traitors been attacked then , has she?" Bellatrix asked me .

"Ssssooo...everyoneee's ....beeen sayinggg"I stammered as an answer .

"Not gonna say I'm upset about it though , even if she is pure-blood" Bella sniffed in disgust .

" ....are... Bellatrix" I stammered again .

"Anyway , how's my dear dear cousin Sirius?" she asked me .

"He's fiinnnnee" I replied looking down at my shoes .

"Shame my poor old aunt had to blow him off the wall , but priorities are priorities " she said sadly as if she had the right to be .

"Of coursee" I agreed with her .

"And Petigrew you know the dark lords plans about the prophecy and you know what it's about don't you ?" she asked me .

"Yesss" I replied not looking at her .

"And you know what may happen don't you?"

"Of course "

"And what may happen?"

"James and Lily and everyone else ..... I'm going to have to betray them "

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