Chapter 26

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"Lydia..." Remus said looking more pale than usual .

"What's the matter Remus? You look nervous" I laughed confused but also kinda worried .

"There's something I have to tell you... I uh I umm ..." he stuttered putting his hand on his neck like he always did when he was nervous .

"Remus spit it out okay, I won't hold it against you , your one of my best friends " I laughed putting my hand over his dead cold hand .

"I uh.....I...I like you" he said and colour started to reappear .

"I like you too" I laughed unsure of what he meant .

"No , not like that" he explained .

"Oh" I whispered .




"Sirius what did you do?" Mary asked me as she pulled into the hallway outside James and Lily's common room .

"I didn't do anything!" I defended myself waving my hands in the air with rage "Why does it have to be ME who always does something! It's never anyone else ! It's always me ! Why don't you tell me why that is Mary !huh?"

"Sirius would you calm down!" Mary hissed at me .

"No I won't. I didn't do anything wrong okay" I said lowering my voice but still pretty mad .

"Look Sirius -"

"Mary , why don't you go inside and lemme handle this " Lily said coming out of the portrait hole .

"Yeah okay ," Mary said after a moment while debating with herself of she should .

Once Mary had closed the door behind her Lily turned to look at Sirius .

"Don't you start" I warned.

"I wasn't going to , I just wanna know the reason why Marlene was so upset " lily clarified stiffly .

"I don't why she was so upset" I answered with a shrug .

"Sirius cut the crap! I know you know something and suggest you tell me before James gets back and kicks your ass for what you did"

"For the last time I didn't do anything!"

"I'll ask again ,why was Marlene so upset?"



"Marlene I can't be with you" I replied .

"Why not ?" She questioned.

"Because I like you okay and I ...I " I tried to explain .

"You what?"

"I just dunno how to handle how much I like you and I don't want to have to "

"So that's it ?" She asked close to tears .

"Yeah that's it "

"I guess I'm glad your honest" she said getting up .

"We can still be friends " I suggested .

"I don't think we can , cause I like you too and there's a difference to it though , I have to handle that " she snapped angrily tears pouring slowly out of her eyes .


"Goodbye Sirius "

End of flashback

"You love her don't you ?" Lily asked but she knew the answer before I nodded in reply .

"Yeah , yeah I do"

James and Lily "he was there for me "Where stories live. Discover now