Chapter 17

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It had been two weeks since James and Lily had gotten together and it was safe to say it was the best two weeks of James's life .

"Morning mate " Sirius greeted as I walked into the library early that Friday morning .

"My my , Sirius Orion Black in a library I thought I would never see the day " I said mockingly as I sat beside him and picked up DADA book he was looking at .

"Yeah , yeah very funny but Moony's over there talking to some Ravenclaw and he's supposed to be helping me!" Sirius said and then shouting the last part over to Remus who was now walking over to us his right hand rubbing his neck .

"All right all right , sorry I got distracted " Remus retorted going red .

"By a pretty smart girl , is that what you were distracted by?" I asked innocently and earned a glare from Remus and a laugh from Sirius .

"Oh shove off " Remus snapped .

"Temper temper , tut tut tut " Sirius joked and then wagging his finger in both our faces.

"I thought you liked Lydia anyway " I stated before Moony had the chance to swack Padfoot on the head with a big clump of parchment .

"He does but he didn't want Mary to be the one to tell her so instead he told her , Mary , that he didn't give a damn " Sirius replied looking angry . I understood where he came from , Sirius and Lydia were always really close like me and Marlene and Remus and Lily and Peter and Mary and well ,Alice was close with everyone .

"It's not like that Sirius " Remus snapped angrily .

"I don't see it any other way " Sirius said not looking up at either of them .

"Look both of you calm down because people are staring and forget about it okay , Remus will tell Lydia whatever in his own time and besides we've got a full moon to worry about tonight " I said trying to make the worry about something else .

"Yea he's right , so how are you feeling about it?" Sirius asked Moony .

"All right , you know I'm pretty used to it by now but just on the safe side , James ask Lily not to wander around the castle and maybe ask her to stay in the gryffindor common room with the girls " Remus asked me . Even though he never hurt anyone he still was always panicked about it .

"Yeah sure I'll go do that now " I replied getting up an walking to go and find Lily.

Lily was with the girls outside the black lake and they were talking .

"Hey Lily can I talk to you for a sec ?" I asked her leaning against a pilar.

"Yeah sure , there's something I want to talk to you about anyway " she replied getting up from her stomach that she laying on .

"Okay you go first then " I said as soon as we were out of earshot from the girls .

"Well I haven't really spent time with anyway if the girls and especially Alice because we both have boyfriends so I was just wanting to tell you I'm going to stay with them in the Gryffindor common room tonight " she explained to me and this was all the better because then she wouldn't get offend if I had asked her to stay there .

"That's fine stay with the girls all the time you need " I said to her with a smile .

"Thanks your the best " she said before kissing me on the cheek and then running back to the girls with her red hair flowing behind her .

That girl really was a dream.


End of chapter

I know this one is really short but I'm at my friends house while writing it so I have to get back to him anyway please vote and comment if you like this chapter/story it means a lot !!!


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