Chapter 4

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After what Remus told me I felt so bad it was unreal . He had liked her for years and then he gave up her for me . I didn't know what to say so I said nothing until we had to go to the prefect meeting .

"James are you okay ?" Remus asked concerned .

"Yea I guess " I answered barely sounding alive .

"James we've been best friends for six years so talk to me " he said serious .

"I feel bad because you liked Lily then when I liked her , you just gave up and I feel so b-"

"James take some cop on yourself mate, that was six years ago and I'm long over it , believe me , and besides I started liking a different girl so I'm kind of glad I gave up on her for you so can we drop it please " Remus begged .

"Yea of course we can " I said smiling happily that one of my best mates didn't hate me and threw my arm around his shoulder .

"Good" he replied smiling also, then something in my head clicked .

"Hey Remus " I said sounding sly .

"Yes James?" He answered worriedly .

"Is the new girl you said you liked Lydia by any chance ?" I asked knowingly .

"What...pft of course not " he lied going red .

"Oh James take some cop upon yourself ,I mean look at the state of you " he scowled as I fell on the floor with laughter .

"We need to teach you how to lie mate , it's terrible " I said putting myself together .

"Oh whatever " he said now smiling and then we laughed until we got to the door of the prefect compartment .


As Lydia and I walked to the prefect meeting we passed by Remus and what looked liked James which was hard to tell since he was pounding his fists against the floor as Remus stood there looking at his shoes trying to control himself .

"Wonder what that was about?" Lydia asked curious .

"I dunno but I don't wanna find out " I answered .

"Lily come on , everyone wants to know what those marauders are thinking " she said rolling her eyes .

"I don't " I simply answered .

"Sure " she said sounding sarcastic .

"Oh shut up and come on we're going to be late " I moaned .

"Whatever " she said rolling her eyes and smiling .

The prefect compartment was empty , which was handy enough . Then Remus had to ruin it by bringing James .

"James your not a prefect so please leave " I said politely .

"Right you are Evans I'm not a prefect , but I am head boy " he said smugly and sitting down across from me .

"Sure you are " I scoffed " and the sky isn't blue " .

"Don't believe me " he questioned .

"Not if my life depended on it " I said folding my arms and sitting back on my chair .

" Ok so if I can prove it to you that I'm head boy , what do I win ?"

"Come again ?"

"If I can prove it to you that I'm head boy I get to kiss you whenever I want at whatever time."

"And if your not ?"

"I won't bother you ever again " .

"Deal " I replied and then we shook on it .

"Remus if you may " James said .

"Ahem , from Dumbledore himself ,
Dear Mr Potter ,
As headmaster it is my duty to select a head boy and a head girl , and to add to that I have chosen yourself to take upon yourself the title as head boy . If you do not wish to to participate as head boy Mr Lupin may take your place but I shall tell you that a Ms Evans is head girl
Yours sincerely ,

Albus Dumbledore . " Remus read the letter then closed it and handed it back to James .

"So now do you believe me ?" James asked innocently .

"Remus why didn't you tell me ?" I shrieked I was fuming and I could tell my cheeks were as red as my hair , but all shitbag did was laugh .

"Because I knew this would be priceless " he answered simply .

"Deals off " I said turning my attention back to James .

"No it isn't we shook on it " he exclaimed .

"Lydia back me up on this " I said to my friend who had her lips in a line . I knew what this meant .

"I can't , you made the deal and shook , its full proved " she said looking at her purple and whit nails .

"Don't you want something else instead ?" I asked hopefully .

"Nope" he replied .

"So when?" I asked in disgust .

"Not now but when I want " he answered and the. The rest of the prefects came in . This was going to be a long meeting .


"Marlene , come on , we have to sit somewhere else " I said now annoyed at her slowness .

"But is not fair , we were there first and then he comes in and she just kicks us out " she complained .

"I know but we have to let Alice and Frank catch up , they haven't seen each other sine the end of school last year " I said back to her trying to make we understand to situation but the stubborn bitch wouldn't have any of it .

"Well they could've seen less of each other with us still there , and my feet are sore , carry me will you ?" She asked her arms stretched out.

"Cop on and come on " I said now fed up anall .

"Alright ladies " someone asked behind us .

"Fine Sirius , thank you " Marlene replied "but an we sit in your compartment ?"

"Yea sure " he answered .

"Come on " she said taking my hand.

"Hiya Peter " I said cheerfully .

"Hi Mary " he answered back with a daed smile .

"So what's with you to walking around ?" Sirius asked .

"Alice kicked us out of the compartment " Marlene answered annoyed . My god that girl could hold a grudge .

"Her and Frank see each other then " he asked shaking his head smiling .

"Yea , wait what do you mean ?" I asked .

"He was sitting with us for a while then he went to go look for her " Peter answered .

"Oh right " I said now disappointed I thought there was some gossip but of course not .

" So where's James ? " Marlene asked . That was something that I didn't notice .

"Yea where is he ?" I asked .

"So you didn't know ?" Sirius asked shocked .

"Know what?" I asked .

"Lily probably doesn't know either then " Peter said .

"KNOW WHAT?" Marlene exclaimed that girl had the patience of a piece of paper . Then Sirius explained to us what it was , Lily must be so pissed .

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