Chapter 1

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Today was my last day.My last first day . And to be honest , I was scared to leave Hogwarts it was my second home . But like every year I got up and got dressed I wore my green shirt and denim jeans with my dark brown wedged boos .

"Mum said you have to hurry for breakfast if you want some" my older sister Petunia said popping her head through my door then slamming it shut with a loud bang .

" What's wrong with mum ? She never makes me rush in the mornings " I wondered to myself as I walked down stairs and into the kitchen .

"Morning Lily " my father greeted me kindly with a smile then swung back around in his chair to continue reading the paper .

"Morning dad" I said returning a smile and a squeeze on the shoulder as I walked to get some tea and help my mother clean up .

"You've grown up so much " she whispered with tears in her eyes. She had always said this to me on my day back to Hogwarts and this would be the lat time .

" I wish you meant that in height and not just appearance " I growled under my breath.

I was always teased by one of my best friends Remus Lupin because of it. I mean 5'2 wasn't that bad .

Remus was friends with the ego self-centred arrogant toerag James Potter . Who asked me out nonstop when ever he didn't have a girlfriend .

"Go eat before he eats it on you " mum told me , then handed me the stack of pancakes and pushed me to our dinning table . That's when I saw the whale and dolphin having a boring conversation about how the whale was going to take his fathers business when he was old enough and how they were going to live in a huge house with a pool and there was Petunia , looking excited and dumbstruck .

" What and eijit " I thought laughing to myself .

"Come on Lily we better head off " my father said getting his coat off the end of the railway .

"Goodbye sweetheart, do you have everything ?" My mother asked me .

"Yea I think so " I replied hugging her .

"I love you " my mother said clasping her hands on both of my cheeks .

"And I you" I said taking my jacket and walking out the door and into my fathers car .

The trip to the station was short . I said goodbye to my father an walked onto the platform .

"Hey Lily " Remus said running up towards me .

"Oh hey " I said .

"I didn't see you leave this morning " he said . Remus and I live next door to each other since I could remember , but we didn't speak really since our first yer which was weird seeing as I always spoke to his sister Melanie and our parents were best friends .

"I left a little late " I admitted .

"Whoa Lily Evans leaving her house not on time oh my , I wonder what Dumbledore has to say about the new head girls lack of timing ?" He said sarcastically .

"So you heard too?" I asked .

"Everyone has and to be honest no ones really shocked except the one who goes out with Diggory " he said laughing .

"So are you head boy ?" I asked hopefully seeing as Remus was a school prefect and he would be perfect .

"No but I know who it is " he said smugly "and I'm not telling " he said laughing before he sprinted into the wall that led into platform 9 3/4 . I ran after him , but couldn't find him .

"Lily!" my best friend Alice Prewett said hugging me fiercely .

"Al!" I said hugging her back .

"Hey OMG how was your summer and Frank and I spent no time over the summer what so ever but we can always catch up " she said sly .

"Well mine was horrible to be honest " I admitted .

"Aw I'm sorry " she said sadly .

"It's okay " I said "where's Marlene and Mary and Lydia ?"

"I dunno , lets go see " Alice said and we looked until we found them and headed off to Hogwarts .

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