Chapter 25 Realationship Problems

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I ran as fast as I could because I knew that Lily ,Mary or Alice would run after me . And when my lungs decided to bail on me I hid in a dark corridor and cried . I never cried , not like this , I think the last time I cried this hard was at Mia and Nina's older brothers funeral who was killed my a death eater .

"Marlene?" I heard a voice from a short distance call out . " Hey , what's the matter ?"

"It's nothing " I stifled a laugh then rubbed my eyes with my palms .

"Marlene Francesca McKinnon! Don't sit there and cry and then tell me it's nothing !" James said in his "I'm being serious for once so take advantage of it before I turn back to myself " tone .

"Okay first of all , don't ever use my middle name again and second of all I'm honestly fine it's just ...."


"How'd you guess?"

"My guesses are pretty limited when it comes to you , Marl I know you better than anyone , your like my baby sister I never had ! Or wanted on that subject "

"Your so hilarious James " I said sarcastically .

"That was terrible grammar " he pointed out .

"Since when do you care about grammar?" I laughed .

"I have been dating Lily Evans for nearly a month now " he answered .

"Yeah I know "

"So what did Sirius do this time ?" James asked concerned going back to the original subject .

"James , when did you realise you were in love with Lily?"

"Now that's a random question" James laughed .

"Just answer it you git"



Flashback to 2 years ago

"Look james I'm fine , you don't have to walk me to my dorm it's not like I was attacked or anything "

"Well they state I found you in it was if your sister had died " I defended myself . Stupid Snivellus , how dare he call her the M word .

"I wish " she muttered .

"You wish your sister was dead?" I asked taken aback . The Lily I know, or at least the lily I think I know would never want anyone dead let alone her own sister!

"Well not dead but I wish she wasn't my sister " lily explained looking sad.


"Well my sister doesn't like me that much because I'm.... different , from her "

"What do you mean different ?" I asked confused .

"Well she's a "human" whereas I'm a witch "

"Oh, but I don't get you wish she wasn't there "

"Well Petunia calls me a freak every time our parents aren't in earshot or when I talk to one of the girls or when I get my letters"

"You don't thing that your a freak do you?"

"Sometimes I'm not sure to be quite honest " she laughed looking out one of the windows . it was pitch black that night and every star seemed to shine .

"Believe me Lily , your anything besides a freak and not every witch or wizard is a freak well except for Sirius of course , but that's a different and long story " I confirmed and Lily laughed then smiled sweetly at me .

"The stars are bright tonight " I commented .

"They're so beautiful and I always wondered where the most beautiful and the brightest star was " she said leaning over the railing .

"I know where it is " I said standing next to her .

"You do?" She laughed

"Yeah I do" I answered with a smug smile .

"Where then?" She questioned with a adorable playful smile .

"Well she's standing right next to me and believe me she's so bright it's blinding and her beauty ,well there isn't enough words to describe her beauty " I replied .

End of flashback

"She gave me a light push then at that pint she had tears in her eyes and then she called me a git but gave me a peck on the cheek before she ran up to bed " James finished telling me how he fell in love with Lily .

"I remember , she came in crying and we all thought it was about Snape " I remembered .

"Yeah well that's it" James shrugged .

"I wish I had something like you and Lily do " I whispered loud enough for him to hear then leaning my head on his shoulder .

"You do and you just don't realise it , Sirius does love you even if he doesn't tell you he does"

"James ..."


"Thanks for being there for me " I thanked with a weak smile .

"Marlene , I'm always gonna be there for you" James laughed pulling me into a hug .

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