Chapter 13:October

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My day started weird , first there was james not looking me in the eye all morning and then there was a angry Lydia and a thoughtful Marlene and then there was Alice was shouting out for Frank Longbottom as she sprinted down the corridors like lightning . For a girl that was so quiet , she was really loud .

"Hey do you have any thought on what's wrong with Alice ?" I asked as I approached Mary who was leaning on her elbows and facing down backwards as she read her book under a tree .

"Not a clue , why what's wrong with her ?" She asked now sitting up .

"I don't know it's just the fact that I seen her sprinting down the corridors screaming out for Frank " I replied .

"That girls always a mystery " Mary laughed shaking her head .

"Tell me about it " I laughed with her .

"When do you think Lydia and Remus are finally gonna end up together ?" Mary asked me .

"At this rate , never " I admitted and I was mad about it too , Remus and Lydia were perfect for each other but they both were so blind to realise it .

"So how can we fix that ?"

"We can't "

"Oh Lily , you are so ginger sometimes "

I was about to snap something at her until she grabbed me by the hand and we ran towards the castle to do the unknown to Lydia and Remus . Merlin help them.


"Sirius come on or we're going to be late " I said .

"Moony I'm comin , jeez down get your fuzzy tail in a twist " he said laughing at his joke . Classic Sirius , the worst jokes make him laugh the most .

"Come on ya git " I said ruffling his hair and then pushing his head aside .

"Hey Remus can I ask you something ?" Mary asked .

"Sure Mary go ahead " I replied .

"Well Lydia has a kind of a problem " she said .

"About what ?" I asked alarmed but tried to hide it .

"Well it's just that she kind of likes you and she's scared to admit it " Mary answered .

"So you thought you would admit it for her " I said laughing .

"Well yeah " she admitted .

"So what do you want me to do about it ?" I asked now stoping to look at her seriously .

"Well do you like her ?" She asked .

I paused for a moment . Did I like Lydia ? Of course I did , there was no question about it , but telling Mary the truth is something I couldn't do . Not yet anyway .

"Not really no " I lied .

"Oh okay " she said confused .

"Sorry Mary but I have to go " I said leaving Mary standing there staring at the floor . What did I just do ?.


"Marlene come on!" I yelled at my best friend .

"No Lydia I just don't want to talk about it okay ?" She said at me turning around and stood there waiting for me .

"No it's not okay " I argued .

"It's not a big deal !" sHe exclaimed

"It is a BIG deal "

"Oh how is it Lydia "

"Because last month when I read that letter that you've been avoiding to talk about it said that you and REGULAS BLACK we're going to meet in Hogsmeed on Valentine's Day !" I shouted at her .

"And why is that a big deal ?" Marlene asked me going into a bitch strut .

"Because Sirius really likes you and I don't want you to hurt him " I said .

"Look if Sirius liked me , he wouldn't be going with everything with a strong pulse but he would also ask me out and he hasn't done any of those two things so I'm going to move on and forget about him"

"So your just going to jump from Black to Black ad not think that anyone will be bothered about it what so ever ?"

"Well that's what I was hoping " she said

"Well sorry to break it to you but that is just not goin to work out well " I said .

"Well Lydi what do you want me to do about it " She asked me .

"I want you to..."

End of chapter .

Okay just to get one thing straight , I know my chapters may seem like it's just one day that's all happening but it isn't . Some may be the Same day but usually every other is a a separate day ! Just to get that clear . And moving on I've decided to write about Harry and Ginny love story but it's really different , so here's the plot line to it , Harry's a Slytherin and Ginny a Gryffindor and they go through a lot of things to had the right to be together . sounds crazy , I know . but I always wanted to write about that sort of thing and it just wouldn't work for me if it was Ron/Draco and Hermione or James and Lily so Harry and Ginny seemed like a better option . Okay a/n over and thanks to everyone who reads and votes for this story it means a lot but for now -Kelsey💎

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Harry and Ginny :it's complicated

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