Chapter 14

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"Hey um Sirius I wanna talk to you for a minute? " Marlene asked coming up to me and Peter in the common room .

"Yeah sure go ahead " I replied sitting up forward .

"Can we talk alone " she stated .

"Um yeah sure , be back in a sec Peter " I said to Peter getting up .

"Take all the time you need mate " Peter replied not looking up from his book not even when Marlene walked in .

"Okay so I just wanted to make sure we're good " Marlene said as soon as they were out of earshot from Peter .

"Of course we are , why wouldn't we be ?" I asked suspicious .

"Well it's just that umm ... just that I'm ... " She stuttered looking down at her feet which were shuffling , as they always did when she was uncomfortable .

"Marlene just spit it out okay , you know that I'll always be there for you no matter what it is you have to say " I reassured her which only made her sigh .

"Jeez you know how to make me more uncomfortable don't you ?" She whispered .

"Marlene just tell me okay I promise I'll help you and I'm still always going to be your friend " I reassured here by putting my hand on her shoulder .

"I'm dating Regulas " she said clearly gaining posture but still had a terrified expression on her face of how I was going to react to this .

"Mar I uh have to go " I said leaving Marlene with Dr face in her hands .

I went down to the black lake and seen him . Regulas . I went up to him and punched right in the face . I went for another but I felt someone drag me into a corridor .

"Come on let me at him!" I shouted at the person who dragged me into the corridor kicking and thrashing .

"No Sirius calm down what's wrong ?" James asked me as soon we were a good enough distance from the lake .

"He's dating Marlene " I said leanings against the wall and sinking down to the ground .

"Come on " James said giving me a hand up and throwing his bag to the back of his back .

"Where are we going ?'I asked getting up and brushing myself off .

"My common room " he replied then turned to two second year Gryffindor girls behind us strong at us and when we faced them they started walking away in fits of laughter until James "Oi you two !"

"Yes sir ?" One of them asked .

"Go and get Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew and tell them to go up to the heads dormitories and tell them to not to ask questions and just go up without a word bar thank you " James ordered the two young girls "and that's heads orders ?".

"Heads orders ?" I asked laughing .

"Oh shove off"he said pushing me away into a wall .

James's common room was just like Gryffindors but less packed and smaller .

"Wow so you and Evans get this all to yourselves ?" I asked stunned looking around .

"Yea , I'm surprised you and the boys haven't been up her yet " James said sitting down on the red leather couch .

"Guess the great out doors and the Gryffindor common room were more suitable at the time " I shrugged looking and poking around at stuff .

"Wow you almost sounded like Remus there " James said wide eyed .

"Well had to at sometime " I shrugged .

"Suppose , I wonder where they are ?" James said getting up .

"Maybe those girls didn't know who Moony and Wormtail are " I suggested .

"No I doubt it , I'm pretty sure that everyone knows who the marauders are " James said looking away thoughtful and smiling .

"Yea " I said with a stiff of a laugh which made James look at me .

"Marlene really messed with you didn't she " he said to me sitting down .

"I wouldn't care if it were anyone else it's just that it's my brother !" I exclaimed putting my face in my hands .

"Look Sirius I get it okay " James said.

"How exactly do you get it ?" I asked him snapping my neck around so fast I got a cramp .

"Well not in the way you do but I get it , you and Marlene don't want to admit your feeling for each other because your scared one of you will get hurt or you'll hurt the other and it makes sense and I just ..." James said and then I realised that everything he is dead true , but then something else entered my mind .

"Look mate I know that you think that Lily hates you but believe me she doesn't " I said reassuring him and then putting my hand on his knee .

"My God is this what happens when me and Peter aren't there " Remus said walking through the portrait hole.

"Ha ha very funny" James said very funny .

"So what's with the marauders meeting " Peter asked sitting down .

"Sirius has Marlene problems " James said .

"What's wrong ?" Asked Remus taking a seat .

"Marlene's seeing Regulas " I said shrinking into a ball of misery.

"Seeing as in seeing" Peter asked to be clear looking shocked and I nodded in response .

"And how do you feel about this ?" Remus asked .

"I don't know how I feel " I exclaimed "that's it I just don't know how I feel "

"I say you like her " Peter said now relaxing and leaning back into a chair .

"I say he loves her" Lily said walking in the portrait hole .

"Um trying to have a private conversation here Evans " Sirius hissed at her .

"In my common room about my best friend, I don't think so " Lily said taking a seat on the right of James .

"It's none of your business and you keep your trap shut about this " Sirius snapped at her angrily .

"Mate I know your mad but there's no need to take it out on her " James said defending Lily who looked quite flustered .

"Sorry Lily"

"It's fine , but I think you should talk to Marlene about how you feel " she said .

"Have you talked to James about how you feel " Sirius retorted.

"What's that supposed to me- REMUS JOHN LUPIN! YOU LISTENED TO WHAT WE WERE SAYING" Lily shrieked/scream at a Remus who was glaring at Sirius who knew to rightly to keep his mouth shut about what Lily had said about James .

"Wait hold up a minute , who were saying what and when and where and why are me and Lily involved in it?" James said standing up and putting his hands in the air so that meant that everyone had to shut up and listen .

Lily ,Sirius and Remus all looked at each other and then at James while peter just staring into space come plenty zoned out .

Wonder how Lily was going to lie her way out of this one .


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