Chapter 31

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Lydia stood silently behind Natasha as her eyes scanned Vision. A lot was going on around her. Steve had explained to T'Challa the dangers that were coming. Bruce filled in any missing details. For the King of Wakanda, it was a lot to process, but he managed. He knew it wasn't just them in danger but the world.

She was handling it the best she could. It was all new, and in situations of uncertainty, her irrational fears began to take over.

This was different than what happened in Germany. Germany felt like a bad dream. A bad dream that changed her entire life.

Lydia had to fight against the people she was closest with. It didn't end as she had hoped. Lydia was imprisoned before Steve rescued them. She would never forget the way Secretary Ross looked at her. It was forever burned into her memory. Like she was less than human.

Sometimes she could still feel the collar around her throat.

It took her a long time to recover from that, but she did. That was all due to Wanda. In Natasha's absence, their relationship grew, and they supported each other through their healing processes. Wanda helped Lydia deal with everything that they had endured. The loss of Tony, and Natasha, the Raft, all of it.

Shuri was examining Vision, trying to figure out the best way to remove the stone without killing him. Once she was done scanning his body, she used a hologram to display the stone in her palm. "His structure is polymorphic." The details in the hologram momentarily stunned Lydia. It was far more advanced than anything she had ever seen.

Lydia did not know what that meant. "Yes," Bruce responded tensely, rubbing his hands together. "We had to connect each neuron non-sequentially."

Shuri stared at him with an almost unimpressed expression. "Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?"

All eyes went to Bruce. Her words seemed simple, but Lydia knew the science behind it was incredibly hard. She had never been very good at science. "Because we didn't think of it." His response sounded more like a question than a statement.

"I am sure you did your best." Shuri was smart. Steve had told her that once, but Lydia had never met her. She was smart. Very smart. It was impressive.

"Would you be able to do it," Wanda questioned. The fear in her voice was unmistakable.

"I can, but there are more than two trillion neurons here." Shuri looked from Wanda to T'Challa. "One mistake could cost a cascade of failures. It is going to take some time, brother."

Steve spoke first. "How much time?"

"As much as you can give me," was her reply. Lydia wasn't sure how long it would take, but she knew that time was not on their side. There was no telling what was coming or when.

Suddenly, an alarm went off. Lydia tensed. Everybody looked up at the source. It rang twice before going silent. "Something has entered the upper atmosphere." A woman named Okoye informed them. Lydia glanced at the holographic image in her hand.

They were here.

Lydia peered out the window to see if there was any sign of whatever was coming. Her heart was racing in her chest as she prepared for what was about to happen. What Bruce had said regarding Thanos terrified her. "Hey Cap, we have a situation here," Sam spoke in her earpiece.

Lydia stepped closer, noticing something above plummeting toward the earth. She could only watch as the unknown spacecraft made contact with the dome that protected the city. It resulted in a fiery explosion before fading into a cloud of black smoke. Wakanda's technology was far beyond anything she had ever seen, but she feared it wasn't enough. These aliens had hurt Vision. They nearly killed him. "I love this place," that voice belonged to Bucky. He was outside with Sam.

"Don't celebrate yet. We have more coming down outside the dome." Several more hit the dome and exploded—however, several made contact with the earth. Landing outside Wakanda's protective shield. Beside her, Natasha was watching the scene unfold. Lydia could see the concern in her eyes, the fear.

The young girl rubbed her hands nervously over the sleeves of Natasha's jacket. Something she had yet to change out of. "It's too late," Vision said, eyes on the horrors just outside the window. "We have to destroy the stone now."

"Vision," Natasha turned toward him. "Get your ass back on that table." They weren't willing to give up that easily. There was still time to try and save Vision. Shuri would have to work quickly.

"We can hold them off," T'Challa spoke to him.

"Wanda," Steve addressed her. "The moment that stone is out of his head, you blow it to hell."

Wanda nodded at him. "I will."

"Evacuate the city," T'Challa began giving orders. "Engage all defenses." His eyes went to Steve, "and someone get this man a shield."

Natasha placed a hand on her shoulder, tugging her back. It was enough to break Lydia from her thoughts. She didn't speak. What was there to say? Silently, she followed her and the others out of the room. 

With every step, the uneasiness inside her increased. There was no telling what was coming. Lydia glanced over her shoulder at Wanda, who was staying behind with Vision. They were going to be separated. It was as if Wanda could feel Lydia's eyes on her and looked back. They locked eyes. No words were spoken, but none were needed. Everything that needed to be said was in their expressions. Be safe. Stay alive. Don't die. Please don't leave me.

Then the doors closed, separating them.

The silence was almost unbearable. Lydia looked forward again. Natasha was still beside her. Their shoulder brushed every few steps. The group then entered a large elevator. Once everyone was inside, it went down to the ground level. 

Lydia felt Natasha's hand on her back once more. It was a nice reminder that she was nearby. That she wasn't alone. The doors opened a few seconds later. Now they were back outside. "I want every fighter on one of those carriers as fast as possible." That voice belonged to T'Challa. "Steve, we were able to get-" his voice faded as he walked away with Steve. The tall bearded man turned around and shouted for Bruce to come with them, and he did. Lydia didn't know where they were going but didn't ask.

It was all too much. Everything was too much. A battle was coming, and she was not prepared.

People began filing into place. Lydia had no idea where to go or what to do. "Lydia," the voice belonged to Natasha. "It's going to be okay. You can stay here with Wan-"

"No," she cut her off. "I need to go with you." She had to. "I can fight. If it comes down to it. I can fight."

There was no time to argue. For Natasha to plead her case. To keep Lydia safe. If there was a fight, she knew the risks. It didn't always end well. People got hurt. People died. "Okay." The blonde woman reached behind her neck, fingers slightly shaky. Lydia watched her curiously. Natasha moved closer and put something around her neck.

"What are you doing?" Lydia looked down to see Natasha's arrow necklace around her throat. It was one of the few things Natasha always carried with her. Lydia rarely saw her without it. It was her most valuable belonging. "But why-"

"Just in case." Was her only response. There was a hint of sadness in her voice, like she knew something Lydia didn't. 

Lydia wanted to give it back. She didn't want her necklace because it didn't belong to her. It was Natasha's. But, as her lips parted, nothing came out. Lydia could not form any words. The overwhelming amount of emotions she felt was paralyzing her. "Romanoff," Steve yelled at her. "And smaller Romanoff. Come here, now. We need to go."

"Come on," Natasha hesitantly pulled Lydia toward the carrier. "We have to go." But Lydia didn't want to go. She wanted to stand there with Natasha forever. Because they were together. Because nothing bad had happened yet. Because there was no danger, not yet, anyway.

But she didn't have a choice. It was time to go. Silently, she followed Natasha onto the carrier.

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