Chapter 7

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Today was the day.

Lydia knew a chapter in her life was coming to an end. It was bittersweet, in a way, but also exciting. Until now, all the changes in her life were terrifying. This was different. Although nervous, Lydia was just as excited. New things often scared her, but this wasn't a bad change. It was a new facility, but her friends would still be there. She wouldn't be alone.

In fact, Lydia hadn't been alone in a long time. It was weird. The Earth's mightiest heroes weren't just stories in a magazine. They were the people she knew best. She wasn't an Avenger, not yet. One day she hoped to be. 

But she had to learn how to use her abilities to do that.

Lydia looked down at her hands, flipping them a few times. These hands had never killed anyone, despite what that reporter believed. They were the hands of a young girl who hadn't had an easy life. Who had been tortured and experimented on. Who learned fifteen different ways to kill a man by the time she was seven.

But she had never actually done it. Training and real life were two very different things.

When it came down to a fight, Lydia had no idea what she was doing. Natasha said that was normal. She was young. Fighting shouldn't even be a part of her life, but it was. Lydia was born into this life. There was no escape now.

Perhaps it would be different if she didn't have abilities, but she did. The experimentation worked on her for some reason. She had always wondered why.

"Lady Lydia," Thor said as he knocked on the door. The loud sound echoed through her now empty bedroom. Lydia glanced at the God over her shoulder, returning his smile. Despite Thor's large size and intimidating stance, he was one of the kindest people Lydia had ever met. He constantly attempted to make himself smaller and was overly gentle with her. "Tony would like to go as soon as you're ready. The Quinjet is waiting." Many of them were driving, but it was better for Lydia to fly. It would be easier to keep reporters away.

"Okay," the girl looked away. "I'll be there in a moment."

Thor easily sensed her distress. "Is something troubling you?"

"No," Lydia quickly assured him, but it was a lie. She was leaving behind a room she had spent the best parts of her life in. A room that felt like home more than anything ever had.

"If this is about moving, it will be alright," he tried to comfort her. "Fresh starts are better for the soul."

"That's a nice way of putting it." Maybe it would do her soul some good. "I'm going to grab my last bag and head up."

"Yes, of course. I will see you on the jet." Thor retreated from the room quickly after that. 

Lydia grabbed her orange duffle bag situated on the bed. It held some personal items. She didn't have many, but there were a few she had collected over the years that meant a lot to her. With a sad smile, she turned on her heel. Without looking back, she turned off the light and walked away. 

Taking the elevator to the floor she needed, she sighed. Lydia wasn't sure if she would ever come back here. She'd miss the extravagant parties and listening to the city at night. She'd miss wandering the halls and hiding in the lab while Tony worked.

The doors opened seconds later. Standing in front of them was Natasha. "Hey, honey. You ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Nastaha wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward the Quinjet. "I know it's hard, but this change is good. You'll love it there." Lydia didn't say anything as they boarded the aircraft. Thor was there with Steve, talking to Happy Hogan in the pilot's seat. "It's not a long flight, but I'd get comfortable."

"Hey, guys," Happy greeted. "Ready to go?"

"All set," Natasha called back. Lydia set her bag on the floor and sat in an empty seat. Natasha sat beside her, stretching out her legs. The aircraft lifted into the air, taking off toward its destination. Lydia bit her lip, taking an uneasy breath. She hadn't flown in years. The feeling always made her queasy. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just need to get used to it."

"I know it's been a while. There's a window if you want to look out it."

"God, no." Natasha laughed at her words. Lydia rested her head on the woman's shoulder, getting comfortable. "Get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah," Lydia yawned, closing her eyes. "Okay."

When she opened her eyes next, the jet was settled back on the ground. "Hey, Snow White." Natasha shook her shoulder gently. "Wake up. We're here."

"We're here?" Immediately, Lydia stood up. Without waiting for Natasha, she jogged down the ramp and onto the pavement. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. The new Avengers facility was enormous. It was surrounded by wilderness, with no angry reporters in sight. Lydia had never seen so many trees before.

"Do you like it," Tony questioned, standing on the platform's edge.

"Yes," Lydia spoke in disbelief. "Oh my god, yes. It's amazing!"

Tony laughed at her reaction. "Come on, let's go inside. Your room is on the second level. I put your name on the door." Lydia eagerly followed the man inside, practically vibrating with excitement. Roughly a dozen people were setting up the facility, and Lydia moved around them with practiced ease. All of them were people Tony trusted to work for him. Lydia trusted Tony and his judgment.

The exterior of the building was white and grey, as was the inside. However, there was brick outside but not inside. Instead, the interior had vibrant white tiles with sleek white walls. The ceiling was a reflective grey.

Tony led Lydia up a flight of stairs to the top floor. There were several hallways that all seemed to lead to a common room. "You'll be down here." Tony pointed to his left. "Come on." There were names on the door. Bruce was first. Although gone, Tony had a place for him. Vision, the android that Lydia had yet to meet. Natasha, which made sense. Wanda, and across from hers was Lydia's. 

The door was white. It was shut. She couldn't see inside. Tony stepped back, allowing Lydia to take the lead. Slowly, Lydia opened the door. The room was smaller than the previous one and entirely different. Lydia gasped at the sight. The entire wall facing the outside was glass. A large black bed was against the wall with red blankets. At the end was a cream rug with a bookshelf.

There was a brown dresser that Lydia knew was full of items that Tony had bought. A TV on a black stand in the corner, but what Lydia liked the most was the Avengers poster nailed to the wall.

"So," a voice spoke from behind. "How do you like it?" Lydia stood in the center of the room, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. It was so different. So much better than she imagined. It was perfect.

"I love it," her voice was soft. "It's amazing." Natasha entered the room, dropping the bag beside the bed. She never looked away from Lydia and watched as she walked toward the windows. One of them was actually a door that led to a balcony. "Why is there a balcony?"

"For you to go outside."

"I can't go outside," Lydia was confused. "I'm not allowed."

"That was before." Natasha pressed a button and the door slid open. "Things have changed." The older woman went outside first. Lydia followed hesitantly after her. The feeling that overcame her was something she wasn't used to. It felt like freedom. 

Outside was a large field, and beyond that was miles and miles of trees. Lydia rested her hands on the railing, looking out over the area. She finally glanced back at Natasha, who was looking over the vast land before them. "We're going be really happy here." This caught her attention. Natasha nodded at that.

"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "We are."

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