Chapter 36

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Anger, what a powerful emotion.

Lydia felt many different emotions transpiring in her all at once. Sadness. Grief. The pain from losing Natasha was overwhelming. Hopeless. Heartbroken. Natasha was her family, her home. Anger. Bubbling, skin-burning anger that made her body shake.

So much going on around Lydia, but it didn't feel real. None of it was real. To her, just hours ago, she was with Natasha in Wakanda. They had just gotten Wanda and Vision in Scotland and had gone to New York to get Rhodey and Bruce.

But that wasn't hours ago. That was five years ago. Five years have gone by. Five years that she wasn't here for. 

But she was here now, without Natasha.

Natasha was gone, and she was never coming back.

Natasha is dead.

Lydia couldn't process that, at least not now. They were in the middle of a war. Thanos was here, and he wanted the gauntlet. That was what mattered. It was all that mattered. Not Lydia's pain and suffering. Not the fact that she had lost someone she cared about. The person she cared about most.

Tony. She thought of Tony. His voice, he had called out for aid. Lydia focused on him. Trying to forget about the hurt inside her. Tony needed help. She had to help him.

Lydia marched through the fight with tears streaming down her cheeks. With anger in her heart and soul. 

She was like a force, walking straight through the battle. Casting aside any approaching Chitauri, sending them straight into the wreckage. They never got back up. Lydia could hear her name being called. People screaming at her. 

But she couldn't process it. No. Tony needed her help.

She could see Tony ahead. His red suit stood out against the grey concrete that encircled him. Aliens surrounded him, and his suit was blasting as many as possible. 

But it wasn't enough.

Tony was in trouble. Seeing him like that terrified her.

And it angered her. Lydia was beyond angry. Angry at the world. At Thanos for taking her away from Natasha. What if she could have made a difference? What if they could have had five more years together?

She would never get any more time with Natasha. Not even a minute. She died. She died, and Lydia hadn't been there. 

And it hurt. It hurt more than anything ever had before. Lydia knew she would never feel pain like this again.

It was too much, her emotions. She couldn't handle them.

Why should she? Lydia had always tried to keep her abilities contained, but what was the point now? What did she have to lose?

So, she didn't hold back. A scream tore through her, hands trembling as the energy surged straight from her chest, creating an enormous force field. The purple wave went straight past Tony and took out all the Chitauri headed in his direction. The man watched as the barrier forced them into the serrated edges of what was once a building. It killed them all instantly, but there were more coming. 

Lydia's lip quivered as she advanced onto a cement ledge, preparing for the others. Tony didn't have a chance to move as Lydia flung out her arms, creating another powerful force field that entrapped the closest Chitauri's body. She rammed her hands together, flattening the shield. 

Then she threw it at the next wave of approaching creatures. It plowed down nearly everything in its way. "Holy shit." Tony was amazed. He turned toward the girl, expression faltering at her disheveled state. Tears rolled down her cheeks, body shaking. Still, Tony couldn't wrap his mind around seeing her. Lydia was older, hair longer and she appeared to be a little taller. It had been seven years for him, seven years without her. "Kid-"

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