Chapter 14

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"Does everyone understand," Steve questioned, looking around the group. In Lydia's opinion, it wasn't a good plan, but it was the best he could do right now. All that mattered was getting out of the airport. There was more going on. A bigger issue that the world was unaware of.

Jame wasn't the only person in the Winter Soldier program, and someone else knew about them. The person truly responsible for the attack. He needed to be stopped. Learning all of that reassured Lydia about her choice. 

She had made the right one.

"Yes," Clint said. "Wanda, Lydia. Let's move." Steve had paired the three together to wait on the east side of the parking lot for further instructions. James and Sam would remain on the west side of the terminal to search for Tony's Quinjet. After it was found, they planned to meet there and leave. Steve wanted no conflict and to get out as quietly as possible.

Lydia ran behind the two in Natasha's old suit. Although it wasn't made for her, it felt well. "Keep your eyes up. We don't know who Stark brought with him."

Lydia's eyes scanned the area. It was evident that neither side was prepared for this encounter, considering Stark didn't have anyone checking the area. She hoped Steve was able to talk Tony down. The news had it wrong about James. It was someone else blaming him. There were five more super soldiers, and they weren't like James. If they got out, they'd be unstoppable.

Clint held out his arm, a signal to stop. They did. Clint raised his bow, aiming it through the slot in the cement. Lydia peered through the gap, wanting to get a look at what was going on. The arrow was aimed in Tony and Steve's general direction. Even from a distance, Lydia could see Natasha's red hair. She was here.

They were talking. Lydia silently hoped they would come to an agreement.

As per usual, things never went as planned.

To everyone's surprise, a man in a red suit appeared and stole Steve's shield. Lydia didn't recognize the person. Steve seemed slightly surprised but remained calm, at least from what Lydia could see. She knew Scott was with him. His ability was odd. He could shrink.

Steve raised his hands, which were now tangled together, and Clint let go of the arrow. It easily pierced straight through whatever Steve was bound in. "Go, now." Clint directed the two girls. Their location had been exposed, and with Tony's technology, he would soon have someone tracking them down. 

Lydia ran down the corridor quickly. Wanda and Clint keeping pace with her. She could hear the commotion going on below but didn't look. "Did you recognize that one guy?" Wanda asked as they turned a corner.

"Was I supposed to?" Lydia responded as they ran out of the garage. The sun was bright, but the mood wasn't.

"Toward the north hanger. Let's go." They were moving again. "That's where their jet is."

Around them were planes, dozens of them. She could hear something getting closer, a familiar sound. Before she could say anything, a plane beside them exploded. Lydia shrieked as she ducked but didn't stop moving. Her heart was racing in her chest as four more bombs exploded around her. The heat burned her skin. Clint pulled her and Wanda closer, using his arms to shield them as scraps soared past.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lydia could see Tony. His arm extended as the last missile went out, exploding closer than the rest. "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony had bombed the area around them. He could have injured them.

"You locked me away in my room," Wanda responded, anger laced in her words. 

"That's exaggerated," Tony said, hovering above them. "I did it to protect you." It was clear Wanda didn't believe him. "Lydia. Clint. Guess you didn't like retirement? Tired of golf?"

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