Chapter 20

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"Bring her out," a voice echoed through the room. It normally bothered her, but it didn't today. She was exhausted, mind and body. Mentally drained from the experiments that never seemed to end. "Witaj! I said get the girl." There was a slapping sound. "In room 2051, get her now. I won't ask again."

Lydia's mind drifted off briefly, but it was only for a moment. The door was ripped open. A dark-haired man stepped in. "Let's go," he snarled, reaching down and grasping her arm. Lydia cried out as she was torn from her ground and tossed into the open space. "Get up." Lydia didn't move. She couldn't. "Ruszaj się." For the second time, her body was ripped from the floor.

Helplessly she was dragged behind the man and lifted onto a chair that her body had been strapped to for the last seven hours. "Get her in," the Doctor spoke, gesturing toward the restraints. They did as instructed, bounding her to the chair. Lydia didn't speak. By now, she knew better. The Doctor set down a box she had never seen before.

He turned to face her. "Hello, my beautiful," he stepped closer. Gently, he brushed the brown strands of hair from her face. A gentle action that contradicted his treatment of her. "We are going to try something a little different today." He placed two fingers under her chin, pushing it up. "So beautiful." With that, he let go. "Put on the straps."

Lydia watched as the man grabbed a headband with metal prongs. She didn't fight as he put it on. There were several strings attached that led to the metal box he had lifted previously. It had different symbols and several buttons. 

The doctor had a purple syringe in his hand. The smile on his face caused Lydia's stomach to twist. He tugged her shirt collar down, tearing the fabric. The Doctor lowered his head next to her ear and whispered. "You will one day be the most powerful creature, and all of this will be worth it."

Lydia's head rolled forward, forcing her awake. Blinking a few times, she glanced out the window. It was dark, day turning to night at some point. The only light was from passing buildings and street lamps. The memories of what happened came rushing back.

There were a few passengers left on the bus, not nearly as many as before. Lydia had slept through every stop.

In the row next to hers was a woman. She was older, around seventy-five, with a scarf wrapped around her head. "Mi scusi," Lydia got her attention. She didn't know a lot of Italian but had learned a few words for better communication at the market. The woman looked at her, "tempo?" She didn't know how to form a sentence or if that word was right.

The woman gave her a soft smile. "Are you American?"

"Yes," Lydia whispered. "I'm sorry. I don't know Italian."

"You're fine sweet child," the woman laughed, glancing at her watch. "It's half past eleven."

The events had taken place this morning. She had been missing from the group for over twelve hours. She had no idea if they were safe or not. "Thank you very much."

The woman nodded, but she continued the conversation. "You look a little young to be traveling in Italy alone."

Lydia shifted at the conversation change, feeling uneasy. The woman was being polite. However, it made her nervous. Strangers made her wary. "I am not alone."

"You have been on this bus for a long time," she informed. Lydia sent her a puzzled look. "I sat to make sure no one stole your wallet."

"Thank you." Lydia felt her head to make sure there was no evidence of her hair showing. There wasn't.

"Are you lost?" Lydia noticed that she didn't have an Italian accent. It sounded Polish.

"Something like that."

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