Chapter 23

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Lydia stood off to the side. The new redhead had finished packing her bag, which didn't hold more than a couple of articles of clothing. Lydia was observing her. Steve and Sam had gone downstairs to meet Vision before he departed with Wanda. 

"Regular check-ins, young lady," Natasha spoke from the counter where she sat. Somehow, her hair had turned out fine. As had Wanda's. They both looked good. Lydia touched her hair, uncertain about the length. Natasha had cut several inches off. "And stay close, okay? You have to come back every few weeks or so."

"I know." Wanda waved her hand, having heard the same thing multiple times. "I'll call, don't worry."

"We know you will." 

Steve and Sam strolled through the open door. "Hey. Vision is in the parking garage. He's the only car in the lot."

"Okay." Wanda tossed the bag over her shoulder. It was an indication she was ready to leave. Lydia shifted uncomfortably in her spot, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Here." Steve handed Wanda an envelope. 

The girl apprehensively took it from him, confused about what the envelope contained. "What is it?"

"A burner," Steve explained. "Some money. A new Identity-"

"I get it," Wanda cut him off. She didn't want to discuss the details. "I appreciate it." She tucked it into her pocket. "Okay, is that all?"

"You know to-"

Wanda stopped him off again. "Check-in, stay close, don't take any risks. I know."

"Okay," Steve rubbed his jaw, still worried. "Whenever you're ready."

"I guess this is goodbye," Wanda smiled at them.

Natasha was the first to move, wrapping her arms around the girl. The exchange didn't last long. Steve embraced her next. Then Sam, each getting a short goodbye with her.

 Then, it was Lydia's turn, but Wanda didn't open her arms as she did with the others. "Lydia," Wanda began. "Walk me down?"

Lydia gave her an uncertain look before she turned to Natasha. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "Be safe. We'll pack up here." Lydia nodded and followed Wanda out the door.

Once they stepped into the hallway, the tension between them only intensified. Lydia felt the tightness in her chest return. Wanda was leaving to start a new chapter in her life. A chapter that wouldn't include her. 

"I remember when I first met you," Wanda's voice was soft. "Tony was showing me around. You were in the kitchen." She paused. "In all honesty, I never understood why he showed me around. We moved, I believe, three days later?"

"I think." Lydia thought back to the simpler times in her life when the team was still together. "Do you ever miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"Just the past."

Wanda glanced at her. "Sometimes, yes." The two turned a corner and headed down another hallway. One more closer to Vision. "I also hate the past. Not all parts were good."

Lydia blinked once. She knew Wanda and her shared very similar pasts. Some parts were good. Some weren't. Mostly, she thought about the good. It was easier to do that now. "I miss Tony. And Rhodey. And Clint. And Happy. I used to see them every day, and now..."

They were gone from her life.

"I know." Wanda placed a comforting hand on her back. Fingers moving lazily. "Things have changed. Do you want to know something else I remember about you?"

"What," Lydia gazed up at her.

"You were timid," Wanda chuckled at the memory, smiling fondly. "But from the moment we met, I knew I didn't want to be on your bad side."

Lydia snorted. "Oh, please."

"It's true," Wanda nudged her. "Even if you don't believe it."

The younger girl brushed off her comment. "I was actually excited when you moved in."

This surprised her. "Really?"


Wanda pushed open the parking garage door. "Why is that?"

"Because there was finally someone relatively close to my age," Lydia felt her heartbeat rise. "And I was hoping to gain a friend." Her eyes landed on a blue Audi. Vision was leaning against the side with a broad smile on his face at the sight of Wanda.

Wanda waved at him, continuing to make her way over. She was silent for a few moments, replaying her words. Lydia assumed Wanda didn't have anything to say. But she was wrong. "You were right."

"About what?"

"You did gain a friend." Wanda opened the car door and set her bag inside. Vision didn't say anything, knowing this moment between them was fragile. Wanda turned toward her, an uneasy expression on her face.

Lydia's lips were pulled down in a frown. "I will miss you." Lydia didn't understand the feelings she currently felt. The idea of Wanda leaving made her anxious. In their time, they had grown close. Closer than Lydia had become to anyone else. She had confided in Wanda. 

It was different, her feelings. Unlike the ones she had for Natasha, Tony, or even Clint.

"I'll miss you too." Wanda gently placed a hand on the side of her face—thumb gliding over her cheek. Lydia found herself leaning into her touch. She had no idea when she'd feel it again. "Take care of them for me. They're hopeless without you."

"Don't I know it," Lydia chuckled breathlessly. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"You too." They hugged each other, both moving to do so simultaneously. Lydia held on for a moment, just for a moment. In her heart, she knew Wanda was ready to leave. It was then she felt all her fears fade away. Lydia wanted Wanda to go. This was the life that she truly deserved.

"I really am happy for you," Lydia spoke into her hair. It felt like a secret and a confession at the same time.

"I know." 

Lydia let go, stepping back. Her eyes momentarily went to Vision. He hadn't changed in the year since the airport, but Lydia wasn't sure if it was possible he could change. "Hey, Vision."

"Hello, Lydia," he addressed her. "You are looking well."

"So are you." She missed his formality. "Take care of her for me, will you?"

"I will," he promised. Lydia knew he would.

Her attention returned to Wanda. "Go on, Wanda." There was no pain in her voice. "Get out of here."

It was as if Wanda had been waiting for Lydia to say those words. To officially let her go. Wanda smiled at her one last time. "Goodbye, Lydia."

With that, Wanda opened the passenger door and got inside. Vision walked around to the driver's side. Lydia placed her hand on the outside of the glass. Wanda laughed, which sounded more like a sob, at her childish antics. But she placed her hand on the glass as well. 

The car roared to life. Vision slowly backed out of the parking space. Lydia's hand fell from the glass and back down to her side. She stood in her spot, watching as her friend drove away. The sadness had vanished from her chest. It was replaced with relief. Relief for Wanda. The life Wanda truly deserved was waiting for her, and it was with Vision. Out of everyone, Wanda didn't deserve a life on the run. She deserved something stable. Lydia knew it was selfish to want her to stay.

"Goodbye, Wanda," Lydia whispered into the air.

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