Chapter 12

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Steve and Sam had left early the next morning for London to attend a funeral. Peggy, Steve's love from his early years, had passed. It was the reason why he rushed out of the meeting. 

Lydia knew very little about her. Steve wasn't the type to share personal information. Natasha was planning on attending as well. The funeral wouldn't be held until tomorrow, but she wanted to check on Steve. Despite their difference in opinions, they were still friends.

Nobody had spoken since the meeting. The building felt emptier than it ever had. Tony left right after Lydia. He didn't even say goodbye. 

Lydia wished people understood from her perspective. The Accords were a serious matter that the UN would be meeting about tomorrow in Vienna. Natasha was going to represent the Avengers who had signed. Lydia wasn't one of them.

But she wasn't an Avenger, so did it really matter?

"Hey," Natasha said, knocking on the door. "I'm heading out."

"Okay." Lydia didn't turn to look at her. They hadn't spoken since the meeting, either. It was weird. Lydia's relationship with Natasha had always been different from her others. They were close, closer than most. Natasha was her person, as weird as it sounded. She was more than a friend. She was family. Her family.

Natasha was Lydia's only family.

"Lydia." Natasha's tone was gentle like it always was. "Is something bothering you?"

She scoffed. "No. What could possibly be bothering me?" 

"The Accords," Natasha was quick to say. "You seemed a little defensive yesterday." Lydia opened her mouth to argue, but Natasha quickly added on. "Respectfully so."

"I have my reasons for not signing," Lydia said confidently. She believed in her choice. "And I'm not the only one who didn't sign. Wan-"

"And no one said you had to," Natasha assured her. "It's your choice, and you're not fighting yet anyway."

Lydia felt her resolve crumbling. "You're not mad that I didn't sign?" The question slipped out before Lydia could stop herself. It was all she had been thinking about. She didn't want to disappoint her.

A look of realization flashed across her face. "Oh, honey." Natasha rushed to her side. "Of course not. You're standing your ground and voicing your beliefs. That's exactly what I raised you to do."

"Okay," Lydia rubbed her nose. "It didn't feel right signing. I don't have much. If I give away my right to choose, what's left of me?" 

Natasha grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. "Sometimes things happen that you don't want to happen or don't understand. You don't have to agree with the Accords, but they are going to happen. If you don't sign, that's okay. It's your choice, and I couldn't be more proud of you."

"When I'm older, will they force me to sign?"

It was silent for a moment as she thought of a proper response. "Maybe things will have changed by then. Maybe the Accords won't be an issue. You have time."

Lydia had no idea when she would be able to join a fight. Not any time soon, that was for sure. Her lessons with Wanda were improving, but now the future seemed so uncertain. "Tell Steve I'm sorry about Peggy. I bet she was a nice girl."

"I'll tell him," Natasha promised. "I'm sure he needs to hear it. Especially if it comes from you."

Lydia nodded sadly. "He won't show that he's hurting. Maybe hug him for me also?"

"I'll do that." Natasha stood up and leaned over, kissing the top of her head. "Vision and Wanda are here if you need anyone." Lydia felt comforted knowing that Vision and Wanda would still be around.

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