Chapter 24

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One Year Later

Northern England 2018

Lydia walked down a road in northern England. There was a street market that was held weekly on Tuesdays. Her nose filled with the scent of soap, pink-colored lips pulled back in a grin as she gracefully glided around an older couple. 

The floral blue dress that Natasha once gifted her swayed around her calves. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed Steve and Natasha walking a few steps behind. The older blonde woman was carefully inspecting a fruit stand while Steve was looking between the two. Once they locked eyes, Steve nodded at her to continue ahead. 

He always kept an eye on them in public. Always allowed Lydia to wander around. Let her live as normally as she could. Steve had her back. Lydia didn't have to worry like she once did. Over the last year, it got easier to pretend. Sometimes, she didn't even have to. She'd forget for a while that she was on the run.

The small English town had been home for the last three weeks. A contrast to the town in Denmark that they had been living in for almost two months. Lydia missed the town. She had started to become attached when they left.

Right now, they were staying in a motel with plans to leave soon. Three weeks prior, Wanda had stopped communicating with them and fled her apartment with Vision. Steve and Sam speculated that they weren't in any danger, just trying to distance themselves. 

It was the reason the four had left their safe haven in Denmark. They were searching for the pair. Steve had the mentality that if he could find them, Secretary Ross could also.

That was how Lydia found herself in England. They were still tracking Wanda and Vision but hadn't found a definite location yet. She had tried not to let Wanda cutting off the team affect her, but that was a challenge. Wanda had promised she would always stay in contact, that she would remain close.

That was a lie.

Lydia hadn't seen Wanda in over four months. She remained in France while they went to Switzerland, Portugal, then the Netherlands, and parts of Poland before settling in Denmark. That was until they tracked Wanda and Vision down to a general area in the United Kingdom. Steve had chosen to stay in Northern England as they waited for a confirmed location.

Lydia wasn't complaining; even if she were, it would be pointless. She went with them wherever she was told. Natasha's idea of altering appearances had allowed them more access to the public, which was how Lydia found herself at the Tuesday market with Natasha and Steve. 

Sam was at the motel, searching for Wanda and Vision. Steve also created a safety plan to have one person remain every time. Luckily, Lydia was never the one left behind at the motel. It was always one of the older three, not because they didn't trust her. Natasha knew that Lydia had spent years in isolation already. Any chance she had to let her get out, Natasha took.

In their two years on the run, they found street markets to be the safest place to buy what they needed. Most grocery stores had security cameras. Street markets rarely had cameras, and if they did, the streets were too busy to pinpoint particular people. Lydia didn't get into the specific details. She just enjoyed the street markets. They were full of life and culture. 

To her, they were a breath of fresh air.

Lydia's mind focused on the people around her. Once again, she peered over her shoulder to check on the others. They were. They always were.

Ahead she noticed a tiny flower booth. Her feet carried her there without much thought. The flowers varied from roses to sunflowers. Lydia was always partial to sunflowers. Once she saw them, she immediately gravitated toward them. Her hands reached out to feel the delicate petals. "Hello," an older man spoke with a smile. "You like?"

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