Chapter 19

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The group stayed in Italy for a month in three different towns. Lydia was enjoying every moment of it. With Wanda leaving once they went to England, she tried to make the most of their days together. Wanda understood Lydia's true feelings about her leaving rather quickly and reassured her constantly that they would never lose their closeness. 

They were bonded, Wanda always said. They were friends who cared deeply for each other. That wouldn't change any time soon. Lydia chose to believe her.

Since Lydia was the least recognizable of the group, they sent her into town. Often alone. With her identity concealed from the public, it was the safest option. The small Italian towns rarely had any security cameras. The weekly markets were easy to filter through. With people wandering the streets, Lydia easily blended in.

Natasha was always uneasy about her going alone but knew it was safer. They always stayed close, on the lookout for danger.

Lydia loved knowing Natasha was close. Having her around was needed. It was what Lydia needed.

Her relationship had grown stronger with Wanda over the last few months. Considering they were the closest in age, but Natasha was like a mother figure to the girl. She was a mother to her.

Lydia strolled down the street toward the motel with a brown paper bag. She smiled at passing locals who had started growing accustomed to her presence. Lydia tucked a loose strand of white hair into her hat. Her mind was far from the incident at the German airport. Right now, her focus was on the apple pie she and Sam were going to attempt to bake for everyone. 

Turning the corner, Lydia jogged up the stairs onto the strip that held their room. However, the sight caused her to freeze. At the end of the hall stood Secretary Ross and several agents. Ducking around the corner in shock, the paper bag slipped from her grasp. Lydia could only watch helplessly as the apples rolled from the bag. "Shit," the young girl mumbled before slapping a hand over her mouth.

By now, the others had realized their location had been compromised and fled. They wouldn't leave the city without her, but they weren't here. Lydia was alone. 

Slowly, she shifted against the wall and tried to think of an exit plan. The others wouldn't have gone far, but a part of her was fearful. What if they had been captured? What if they didn't realize fast enough and were taken? 

Steve had a rule if they were ever split up. That they call a prepaid cell phone he carried everywhere. But Lydia had no way to contact them right now. No way to know if they were safe or not.

"Search the area," a voice spoke from down the hall. Lydia knew it wouldn't be long before they saw her. If she didn't move soon, they'd catch her. Carefully, she began making her way back down the corridor. Steps silent but swift.

At the end of the hall, her eyes landed on more agents turning a corner. They surrounded her. She was closed in. Lydia stepped back, frantically trying to figure a way out of the situation. One that ended with her still free. 

But then someone spotted her.

"I see someone," a male voice called out. Lydia's head snapped up just in time to see four agents turn around. She froze as they raised their weapons, all aimed at her. As they fired, she drove. Three electric prongs hit the wall. Not looking back, she raced down a new corridor as fast as her legs could. Shouting occurred, but everything was fuzzy. Lydia couldn't focus on their words.

Approaching the end of the corridor, Secretary Ross and a few agents appeared. Lydia didn't process her next movements, instincts already taking over. Grabbing the railing of the stairs, she threw herself over. Using her abilities, she hit the ground gently before taking off again. 

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