Chapter 34

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Lydia hadn't done much exploring the last few weeks. Since arriving at Tony Starks tower, she had spent most of her time in her room. The building was large, and there was a lot to see, but she didn't know him or this place. It wasn't what she knew, and adjusting would take time.

Meeting the others had proven difficult. Lydia purposely stayed away from strangers because she was scared. It was hard to meet new people. It was easier to remain close to those she already knew, like Natasha, Clint, Fury, and Maria Hill. But it was only Natasha and Clint in the tower, and the latter left a lot.

Tony Stark meant well. He did. Lydia knew that, but she was still hesitant. After their introduction, he tried to get to know her, but Lydia was reluctant. She knew a lot about him, and not all of it was good.

Tony was very understanding about her doubts. He had studied all of the documents Fury provided, which wasn't much. So, he let the girl adjust to the tower and him at her own pace. They had spoken a few times, but Natasha did the talking for the both of them.

The bedroom Tony provided was huge. It was the largest room she ever had, big enough to hold several beds. Tony had tinted the windows to allow her to see the world—something she couldn't do before.

Today, however, was different than the last few weeks. Lydia had been alone all day. Although it was only midday, she hated feeling isolated. Natasha had mentioned a few meetings, but Lydia assumed she would stop by eventually. She hadn't. 

So Lydia decided to look for her instead. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the tower was hard to navigate, and she didn't understand the technology. 

She ventured to another floor and noticed it was completely empty. It was colder than the last few. Natasha was nowhere to be found, and Lydia didn't call out for her. She wanted to remain silent in case someone was nearby. 

The room she entered was not what she was expecting. It was full of different machines, tables, and lab equipment. The sight made her waver, but the curiosity clouded her judgment. Lydia had never seen such objects before. They fascinated her.

There were several Iron Man suit parts scattered on the table. Some were intact, while others were pulled apart. It was interesting to see the different wires and circuits that went into creating the suit. The lab led into several separate rooms, but this one seemed to be the main location. It was the most crowded.

Lydia wandered by one of the larger devices and noticed a metal object on the table. Against her better judgment, she picked it up. It was heavier than she imagined, but the blue colors in the middle reflected against the lights. "Hello." The voice startled the girl, who jumped back in response. The object in her hand fell onto the table with a loud thud.

She spun around with wide eyes, hands starting to tremble. Tony stood on the bottom step with a kind smile on his face. He held a box in his hands. "I'm sorry," she stuttered, afraid of upsetting him. "I didn't-" her words were jumbled. "I shouldn't-"

"It's okay." Tony stepped fully into the room. He didn't want her to think he was mad, but he also didn't want to give up a chance to talk with her. "It's nice to see you venturing around." Lydia pressed herself against the table, unsure of what to do. He noticed her distressed expression and set the box on the table.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Do you want to see something cool?" He cut her off, trying to keep the conversation going. Lydia hesitantly nodded. Tony waved her closer. Slowly, she moved closer. "Ready?"

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