Chapter 1: Burnside

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This is something I've been wanting to try for a while. And I figured I might as well give it a shot. Consider it a tribute to almost every well known character that's died in the Resident Evil Franchise.

Without further adu, let's get this started with underrated character.

Steve Burnside, age: 17 (during life), height: 5 feet and 8 inches, Blood type: AB, Weight: 149ibs. Cause of death: Impaled by Alexia-Pod.

Poor guy. The last thing saw during his time on earth was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. But then, next thing he knew was that he found himself on solid ground, in a place was that covered from top to bottom in red. If that wasn't the weirdest thing, the whole place had a rather demonic look to it all. Steve was rather scared and confused, unsure what was going on.

"What is this place? How'd I get here? What happened to-?"

Upon touching his face, Steve got a good look at his hand and saw that it was gross, mutated green color. He then crawled over to a puddle and looked to see that his face was hideously green like the rest of his skin, his eyes were black with red pupils and his mouth was full of fangs. His hair was still it's natural red color, albeit faded and his bangs now turned white, and he was still wearing the clothes that he wore when he was... imprisoned by Umbrella. Although, they were now town up, his feet were now monstrous looking and he had spikes coming from his left shoulder. It was all starting to come back to him now...

"Oh...I died...and this is Hell...isn't it?

He looked up to the sky and saw the giant pentagram looking to hover over the entire city, which un-ironically, was also shaped like a pentagram, but Steve didn't know that yet. Nor did he care, as he began to cry...

"Why am I here?...What did I do to...deserve this?...Was it because I tried to kill Claire?...Or was because I just...didn't believe?"

Wiping away his tears, he got back up on his feet, which were a little trouble, since he wasn't used to them being so...demonic. But it seemed to be coming to him naturally as he stood tall.

"Either way...I'm not gonna get answers here. This may as well be my existence...I gotta get used to it."

Suddenly, he felt lights behind him and turned to see a car coming. It was honking at him as he leaped out of the way and landed on the sidewalk.

"HONK, HONK, BITCH!", The Demon yelled out as it continues to drive by.

"That's a good way to kill somebody!", Steve yelled, but then sighed. "Whatever. I'll figure things out as I go."

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city, were a few demons vandalizing stuff until their attention was brought over to someone moving by. The person was staggering, practically limping as they had a hand in their face and was calling out a name...


Pretty soon, the person was surrounded by other demons and they got a good look at him. Blonde hair, wearing a lab coat and jeans, although torn up and was not wearing a shirt. His skin was grey, but the weirdest thing was his right arm, which had the bone sticking out, along with some exposed tissue and...and eyeball?

"Who the fuck is this guy?", One of them said.

"Who cares? He can't just go walking into our territory and expect to come out in one piece.", Another said while bringing out a gun.

"Unless he's got any goods in him, we oughta teach him a lesson.", Said a third, who had a crowbar in it's hand.

"How about it, old man?", The first one said. "Got anything good on ya?"

The person said nothing.

Annoyed, the demon yelled out, "We're talking to you, dumbass!"

"...You should run.", The man finally spoke out.


"I'm's gonna get ugly.", He warned the demons around him.

"It already is, now fork over the goods!", they yelled out.

"...Don't say...I didn't warn you."

The demons didn't know what hit them as the man's arm brought and slashed at their bodies, tearing them in half as he just continued to walk on, still grabbing hold of his face.

"Sherry...Annette...forgive me...I'll make up for this...I swear."

Back to Steve, he was lost as he was admiring a weapon that he had on him. A standard luger, like the ones he used back at the prison. Of course, he missed having the golden ones, since they were fun unloading into the Bandersnatch, but this was fine, since he also got himself a pair of submachine guns, and he wasn't even sure where he got them. Either way, he felt pretty confident, like there was no one that's as gonna mess with him.

"Hey, you! Where do you think you're going?!"

Spoke too soon...Steve groaned and turned around to face an angry looking demon.

"I asked you a question.", It said.

"Listen, I'm just trying to get around.", Steve tried to explain. "I don't where I'm going, but I'm hoping to find a place to stay."

"So you're a new blood. Well, let's get one thing straight. This territory is off limits to anyone newcomers we don't know about. So unless you wanna keep on walking in one piece-"

"You think what you're saying is gonna scare me?", Steve asked. "You don't know what I've been through. Nothing you say is gonna intimidate me."

"Heh, really? You got some balls, kid...what say I rip 'em off your crotch?

"Why? Just because you don't have a pair?"

The remark made the demon angry as he was about to attack Burnside. But the redhead brought out his luger and shot the demon straight in the face...

"Next time, step off and there won't be any trouble."

As Steve began to walk away, the demon he just shot slowly back up, which Burnside quickly noticed, seeing him pull out the bullet he just lodged in his head...

"You gotta be kidding me."

"We don't die so easily here, kid. You got a lot to learn."

"I guess I do.", Steve sighed. "This is gonna be worse than Rockfort.

A few minutes of shooting later, Steve finally managed to get away as he took a breather and wondered what he was going to do next. He's spent the next 11 years fighting and wandering Hell, avoiding yearly exterminations and staying alive. Was he doomed to fight his way through hell for all eternity, of was there another solution for him? It was then that a flier blowing in the wind caught his attention. And by that, it means he quickly caught it in his hand and read what it said. It was rather colorful and almost girly. But the message was as clear as daylight...

"'Hazbin Hotel. Where inside every demon is a rainbow. Have a chance at redemption today!' Redemption? Could it be possible? I definitely don't want to stick around here, but I never thought it would be possible for a demon to be redeemed. It's gotta be worth checking out, though. And I do need a place to stay."

Looking around, he could actually see the sign that said "Hazbin Hotel" at a distance. It did look like it was gonna take a while to get there.

"Well, let's go see if this is for real."

Little did anyone know that the nightmares that people like Steve suffered through in the living world were coming down to Hell, as not to far from the City, appeared an familiar place, along with many of the people who made the world suffer through a decades worth of Hell on Earth. It is gonna be one Helluva Biohazard...

Resident Evil: Hell RisingWhere stories live. Discover now