Chapter 10: I.M.P.s and S.T.A.R.S and a Jacked up Hotel

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The sinner in black and shades, Wesker, was continuing to monitor the situation of the Pride Circle through a top of the line surveillance monitor he got from a shady arms dealer he met a while back. But as he watched, a demon woman came from behind, who's skin was white and...melting, wearing a blue uniform that showed off some cleavage, along with a scarf, having no legs but a slugs tail, forcing her to slither her way towards him.

"Carla." Wesker had said to the woman.

"I'm afraid I have good news and bad news." The woman known as Carla had spoke out. "The pursuer was destroyed while fighting Lucifer's daughter...along with a few other faces you're familiar with."

"S.T.A.R.S." He replied. "They don't concern me though. And the good news?"

"Miraculously, the NE-a Parasite had survived the Nemesis' destruction, however we were unable to retrieve it. Chances are it fell into the sewers."

"Hardly a setback, compared to how smoothly things are going." Wesker said, staring at one of the monitors showing Charlie and the others closing in on the Happy Hotel.

"I think it's time we help dear Ms. Charlotte with her business, give her a few more...residents, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I think I do, sir." Carla replied. "We have just the right batch for this kind of thing."

After a long day of walking, the gang had finally made it back to the Hotel, which Charlie was more than willing to present to her new allies/clients. Kenneth managed to get his head reattached to his body, the amount of zombies they've faced has gone down to a minimum and they haven't caught another glimpse at their mysterious guardian all day.

"Here we are!" She said cheerfully. "I'm sure you're gonna love it here. I have lots of things planned, you know."

"I don't think now's the best time to be talking about that, hun." Vaggie interrupted.

"But we will get to it, don't worry." Brad said with a smile.

"Hey." Angel Dust said to Richard. "Maybe once we're in, you could rethink about my offer."

But, this ended up making the snake demon shove his shotgun close to Angel's face. "You gonna shut up? Take a hint, you weirdo."

"Anyways..." Enrico had said after that scene. "You might as well consider us your new clients."

That made Charlie feel better, knowing that even in times of crisis, was there still a chance at hope. But that moment was interrupted by a car horn sounding in the distance.

"Anyone else hear that?" Steve asked.

"Pretty sure all of the city heard that, kid." Angel Dust remarks.

"Sounds like it's coming close." Edward added, as they all look to see that there was, in fact, a van heading directly their way, forcing them to move so that they don't get run over. The driver of the van was moving the wheel wildly, before the van crashed into the corner of a nearby building. The entire group pulled out their guns, ready for any surprises before they saw someone roll off the top of the vehicle and fall off onto the ground.

"Aye, maldito infierno." The man said. "That is the last time I ride with imps." Before he could get up though, he turned around to see about 10 guns pointed at his head by individual sinners and demons. They did not look like they trusted him, so he tried to keep it smooth.

"Uh...anybody got a smoke?"

This made them a tad bit confused as they almost lowered their guns, believing that he wasn't one of the infected. However, the door to the van was kicked open and coming out was a hotheaded imp holding an assault rifle in his hands. Two more imps and a hellhound came out the other side and they each had guns of their own.

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