Chapter 18: A Cold Day in Hell

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At a distance, someone was watching the hotel. He's had his eye on it for a while, with the intention of checking in one day. He'd wish he'd done it sooner, what with the entire city now gone to shit. The dead litter the roads and barely few are still alive have only a little fight in them or are in hiding. Not his concern, though, as he only intended on making sure these the HH crew were safe. He seldom assisted in their survival, providing them with weapons and equipment that's helped them get this far. And now, he wonders if it would be the best time to introduce himself, since he's helped as best as he could up to this point. When several armored vehicles arrived on the scene, his choice was made as he quickly rushed to the hotel...

"Understood, Steve." Enrico said through a radio. "Head back to the hotel as soon as possible. I'll inform Charlie that we need to work out a plan."

And just as he said that, the Princess of Hell came into view and the Former S.T.A.R.S Bravo Team Captain decided to update her right away.

"Steve and Arackniss managed to retrieve Prince Stolas and his daughter. But there was no sign of that book you were talking about."

"Hmm...that's strange. Prince Stolas would know better than to let it slip from his fingers." Charlie replied. "But if they don't have it, that could also be a good thing..."

"Since our enemies don't have it either." Enrico finished her sentence. "Gotcha...So, how are things with the refugees going?"

"It's fine. Some people are only here until this...nightmare is over. Others have actually considered signing up for a rehabilitation program! So maybe, when all this is over, my business will be sure to catch on!"

Enrico then said "That's good to hear. Me and the boys have been waiting to get out of this...hole for a while. But you truly believe we might have a chance to go to Heaven after all this? We are...considered damned after all."

"Whatever it takes to lower the population, and risk of a few hundred demons/sinners getting purged every year, I say." Charlie argued. "I'm not giving up, and I shouldn't care what others think of it."

"Well...we've only been down here for a couple of decades, but you should, Charlie. Some people truly are...beyond redemption."

That made Charlie for a moment before there was a banging going on in the barricaded entrance. Something or someone was attempting to bust in as Enrico pulled out his radio to alert everyone.

"All fighters to the main hall! Possible break in! Be armed and ready!"

"I was really hoping this wouldn't happen again!" Charlie whined as she pulled out her revolver.

It only took a short moment before the S.T.A.R.S Team, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Loona, Vortex and anyone else who could handle a gun came down and aimed their weapons at the barricade, which kept on banging harder and harder, looking ready to burst, when...nothing. The banging stopped, and the entrance was slightly cracked open. But perhaps, that was all that was needed, since something started to slip through.

"What do we have here? A feast fit for Royalty!" Said a playful, yet crazed female voice as seeping through the crack of the entrance...came a swarm of blowflies. All the refugees tried swatting at them with their hands, but that only made things worse as flies seemed to have gone under skin.

"Oh, this is eight kinds of fucked up!" Angel Dust complained as tried to pull the flies that were invading his chest fluff. The others were doing what they could get keep the flies away, either swatting with their hands, knives or guns, but it was in vane. Soon, another girlish voice could be heard.

"Don't fret, my tasty morsel." The voices were similar to each other, yet with obvious differences. "We're merely playing with our pray."

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