Chapter 3: Outbreak

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Steve got himself situated in his room, placing his guns down in a dresser while he decides to rest for a while, crashing onto a bed. Knowing that this place could his only way out of hell, he can't help but wonder what is bound to happen after this? However, Steve was knocked out of his train of thought when he heard a knock at his door. Heading over and opening it, he was greeted by Vaggie, who had a not-so-happy face on.

"Oh, it's you. Any you need, Vagatha?"

"You can just call me Vaggie.", She said with her arms crossed. "And I just came to check up on you, after that whole ordeal with Angel."

"What's that guy's problem anyway?" Steve asked.

"Heh. Where do I begin?", Vaggie jokingly said before explaining. "Guy's a drug addict, pornstar and employee to one of the Overlords down here. He was not exactly the ideal person I would think to be our first client, considering how much of a struggle he is."

"I see...wait, did you say Overlords?", Steve said, suddenly curious. "As...archdemons or something?"

"Not exactly.", Vaggie explained. "They're more or less just sinners who've been here long enough to rise to the ranks of running parts of hell. The overlord Angel works for runs the prostitution and porn films here."

"I would not wanna meet that guy."

"Good. Anyway, Charlie wants to let you know that your first part of your rehabilitation program will begin shortly.", Vaggie told.

"Alrighty. I'll be right down shortly."

Seeing how nice and loyal almost warmed Vaggie's heart a little. Aside from Charlie, people like Steve were something Vaggie was not used to.

" okay?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine.", Vaggie said, avoiding eye contact.

It was then that Vaggie noticed the pair of Lugers and pair of submachine guns that belonged to Steve in the dresser and had a suspicious look on her face.

"Where'd you get those guns?", she asked.

"Those?", Steve pointed out. "I had them when I came down here."

"So...what? Did you...die with them or something?", Vaggie asked confusingly.

"I'm not sure that's how it works.", Steve said.


"Listen, if I wanted to hurt you guys, I would've done so already."

Vaggie laughed a little after hearing that. "Heh. That's a little funny."

"What is?", Steve asked.

"...Our 'business partner' said the same thing when he showed up the first time.", She explained.

"Business partner?"

"Yeah, Alastor. The Radio Demon."

"Radio Demon?", Steve asked, even more confused. "...Is that supposed to sound scary?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised. Alastor is not someone to mess with." Vaggie admitted. "He has a reputation, one you'll soon find out about if you stick around. It was a shock to us when he came, wanting to help. But then, he said it was just so that he can keep himself entertained by watching others, including us, fail."

"Sounds kinda like a sadist.", Steve said, sickened by the sound of the guy.

"He's something like that.", Vaggie agreed.

"Is...he around here?"

"Thankfully not. He's off someplace else."

The Radio Demon was actually taking a walker through Pentagram city, wanting to find some entertainment.

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