Chapter 19: Anesthesia

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When Steve and Arachniss made it back to the Hotel, they were expecting everything to be just dandy. But instead, they find the place in shambles once more, as they stood in the aftermath of yet another battle that went down around her. Worst of all, they were given the new of Charlie's been taken by one of the moldy freaks who attacked the place.

"Well, that's just great." the young red-head said "Just when we start to gain more people, we start loosing others."

"Yeah, and Vaggie's taking it badly." Brad explain to Steve as he shows Vaggie sitting in her and Charlie's room, folded up into fetal position, mumbling to herself as she rocked back and forth. Steve got the idea that it was best to leave her by, but Octavia came by and it pitied the Moth in her depressed state.

"I only meet Charlie's girlfriend once." She says. "She seemed nice...and a bit territorial. But she doesn't deserve this."

"Yeah, and neither does Charlie for getting abducted by a giant dragon."

"Right now, we simply need to recover and figure out our next course of action for doing anything drastic." Brad said as he walked with them back into the main lobby. "If there is a way to find Charlie, and fast, we'll get it."

"Maybe this could help." Husk said, as he took out a phone that was turned on to reveal a map on the screen. It was pointing to a place somewhere outside of Pentagram city.

"Husk, where did you get that?" Steve asked.

"Oh, that Winters guy dropped it off before he split. I'm to assume it'll help in finding the princess."

Enrico was the one to take a look at the map and thought about it.

"If I may..." said a voice he didn't recognize and looked up to see the Owl Prince Stolas looking down at him, holding his hand out. Enrico hesitantly gave him the phone, and Stolas had an eyebrow raised when saw the location pointed on the map.

"The location seems to be out in the middle of nowhere." He said. "There a few cities outside of Pentagram, but other than that, just miles and miles of endless scorching deserts."

"That's actually pretty smart." said S.T.A.R.S B-Team Pilot, Kevin. "No one would ever suspect looking out in the middle of nowhere."

"Well, if we're planning to go out into the middle of a desert, we'll need to be prepared." Enrico said before turning to the two pilots. "Enrico, Brad. Get the chopper ready. We'll sent out a team as soon as we can."

"You guys had a chopper this whole time?" Arackniss asked.

"One that's still in need of repairs, but functional." Brad replied. "She's not gonna be stable if we keep her in the air for too long."

Steve then said "Then make it a quick drop-off, at the edge of the desert than the team can take care of the rest. I'll go. Charlie welcomed me in, and I need to return the favor."

"She welcomed us all in, Steve." Enrico said to the kid. "You don't have to do this."

"Well, definitely not alone. That's for sure."

"I'll go." Octavia said, surprising everyone. "Princess Charlotte is a good friend of mine. And she's stood by me before."

"Octavia?! You can't do this! It is too dangerous!"

"We just survived escape from our own home, dad! Not to mention getting here. I still have the sickle from that last infected demon." To prove her point, she pulls the said sickle from behind her back, which had blood at the tip."

Stolas did not like the idea of sending his daughter into any kind of danger, but he knew these were drastic time and with his powers somehow compromised, he couldn't protect her forever. Besides, she's already shown prowess. Whatever happens, he wants to believe she can handle it. And with that, the prince turns to Steve with a threatening glare.

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