Chapter Four

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Saturday 29th July 2006

"Look, I'll speak to Damon about it but I wouldn't get your hopes up" I sighed before hanging up the phone, my manager Chris had just rung me with news that the TV programme loose women wanted me as one of their panelist's. My initial response was an absolutely not, but he told me it would be £500 per show, with them wanting me on five shows a week. The money didn't even tempt me, Damon and I were unbelievably lucky with the disposable income we had, so it wasn't like I had to bring in money, but that being said it had now been three years since I had done anything properly for myself and even then, that didn't really count. Being heavily pregnant with Primrose meant that I barely did anything on the album or the tour for think tank. Being a panelist on some chat show just didn't feel very me, the public knew me as being a member of blur and that was that, I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to change that perception of me.

Other than my pacing footsteps, the house was so quiet it made me feel uneasy, I kept waiting for one of the kids to call for me or the loud laughter of when all three of them were getting on, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Damon's parents, Keith and Hazel, insisted on having the children for the weekend. I was reluctant at first, I hated being away from them, but a big part of me was craving some uninterrupted time with Damon, so the three of them left on Friday lunchtime. They were all worryingly happy saying goodbye to us, they all adored spending the weekend with their grandparents.

Damon and I had a lovely evening together, a takeaway which hadn't been poked and prodded by a child and a film which didn't involve the Disney castle. It almost felt like we were in our twenties hiding away from the world again. Though, our little bubble was well and truly burst when Damon kissed me goodbye this morning and gave me a quick apology before disappearing to the studio. I'd gone back to sleep but had been pacing around the house ever since I awoke again, he had promised me a weekend together, with no work and no distractions but I guess that's what happens when you marry a workaholic.

I quickly glanced at the clock before making my way out of the door, Damon had phoned about an hour ago telling me he'd be home for 5 and that he had a surprise for me. Whilst I wasn't particularly happy that he'd buggered off to the studio, it did mean that I could do what I was about to do without any guilt.

It was only a short walk to the cafe I had agreed to meet him at, the cafe we always met at when I was free from the kids and any suspicion from Damon. An involuntary smile appeared on my face when I saw him already sat there, dark hair covering his eyes as he silently watched those around him. I watched as a smile appeared on his face when his eyes landed on me.

"How are you?" I sighed, accepting his hug and wrapping my arms around him as I took a deep breath. Seeing him always made me feel overly emotional.

"I'm, I'm okay, how've you been?" He asked, I nodded my head as we sat down opposite one another.

"Yeah, I'm alright, busy as always" I laughed, rolling my eyes at him, we both knew I was never really that busy, not anymore.

"Yeah?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised as he tilted his head.

"I, I had a phone call from Chris earlier, told me that loose women are desperate for me to become one of the panelist's" I sighed, shaking my head as I briefly closed my eyes. He reached across the table to take hold of my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you going to do?" He asked me calmly, his eyes staring intently at me as a small smile played on his lips. I shrugged my shoulders before sighing loudly.

"I don't know, a chat show isn't really me, is it?" I laughed nervously, shaking my head again. The whole idea set an uneasy feeling brewing in my stomach, however a part of me was intrigued to see what it would be like.

"I don't know, you never stop talking" He laughed, his grip on my hand tightening as he did so. I laughed with him, the smile on my face growing as I carried on.

"Why don't you give one show a go and then see what you think?" He suggested, I nodded my head slowly "I think you'd be bloody brilliant"

We made comfortable small talk, laughing about old times as we ate our lunch. We didn't get to meet up very often, but when we did I always left feeling content yet slightly empty, all at the same time.

"Come back to mine" I mumbled, trying to give him a confident smile, I knew he'd say no, but it was worth a try.

"I can't, not yet" He muttered, giving me a weak smile before shaking his head.

I wrapped my arms around him and engulfed him in a hug, placing a kiss on his cheeks before pulling away and holding him at arms length.

"He misses you Gra, really really misses you, you know?"

I re-entered the house feeling slightly more unsettled than I had when I'd left. I always cherished my catch ups with Graham, but the sense of guilt always put a dampener on it. I wanted nothing more than to tell Damon, but Graham made me promise not to tell him and I couldn't break that promise to him. He was terrified and still had it set in his mind that Damon hated him, which was heartbreaking for me as it was so far from the truth. Damon missed him, he missed him so much. He got over the hurt of think tank pretty quickly and instead, he now just yearned for his best friend. But they were both their own worst enemies, making up scenarios in their heads and not wanting to communicate with the other.

"I know you're pissed off at me, but how do you, my darling, fancy going to the Grammy awards?" I heard Damon announce in a sing-song tone. Laughing slightly, I walked out into the hallway to see him stood there, two large selfridges bags hanging off of his outstretched arms.

"Sorry?" I laughed, shaking my head in slight disbelief at the sight in front of me.

"I've spoken to Mum and Dad and they're happy to look after the kids for a few extra days, I was thinking we could spend a couple of days in LA. I really am sorry for leaving earlier but I had to run over some things for the awards, we weren't going to go because it's a bit of a trek to loose, but apparently it's looking incredibly likely that we'll win and they've asked us to do a performance with Madonna. Madonna! Can you believe that? I've bought you a new dress, shoes and a bag for it and I've got everything else organised for you"

He dropped the bags on the floor before taking a few steps to close the gap between us, wrapping his arms around my waist before placing a tender kiss onto my lips.

"So my beautiful wife, we're due at the airport in two hours"

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