Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I just wanna give you all a quick apology that this took me so long to upload, I've been snowed under with uni work BUT I handed in my dissertation last night which means I'm done!! I've finished my degree, which is just absolutely crazy to think!!

As I'm going to have a LOT more time on my hands until I start my teacher training in September I was thinking about starting another story lol. I was toying with the idea of a Graham fic, but I'm not 100% sure I do love writing about Damon. Let me know what you think, I'm still yet to think of a good storyline, but let me know who you'd rather it was about!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! The next chapter will start in 2009, when it all starts to get a bit blurry again!!

"How did it go?" I sighed loudly at Damon's question, taking a seat next to him on the piano stool and letting him wrap his arms around me.

"That bad?" He questioned, I shook my head, sitting up so I could look at him.

"It wasn't bad, it was just god... why is Noel such a fucking twat" I complained, Noel's words of hostility were still ringing in my ears.

"He's always been a bit of a cunt though" He commented, I nodded my head as I sighed in agreement.

"Oh I know, I just thought he would've grown up a bit" I laughed lightly, knowing just how silly I was to have thought that. I looked up at Damon, giving him a smile before resting my head on his shoulder "But how was your morning?"

He hummed gently, wrapping a piece of my hair around his finger before gently responding "Was okay, I've not been up for very long, felt really rough this morning"

"I can barely remember anything from last night" I laughed, cuddling into his side further "Though I think it was just what we needed"

He nodded his head, reaching his free hand out to start playing a simple melody. I let my head rest on his shoulder as I followed his fingers with my eyes, the calming tune beginning to send my eyelids heavy.

"Why don't you go and have a sleep, were not going out until later on" Damon whispered to me, I nodded my head, giving him a weak smile before taking myself off to our bedroom and collapsing on the bed once it was in sight.

"Damon where are we going?" I sighed as I watched the world fly by through the car window.

It was nearing five o'clock when we left the house, I'd been told to pack an overnight bag and that was it. A part of me was expecting us to end up at the airport, but he'd promised that we were having a nice and simple, low-key evening.

"We'll be there soon, you'll just have to wait and see" I groaned at his words, causing a light laughter to spill from his lips.

"I don't like surprises Dames" I whined, he laughed again, reaching across and taking hold of my hand.

"I know you don't, but I promise you'll like this" I sighed at his words but didn't disagree, as nervous as I was about the surprise, I knew that he did know me well and it was unlikely to be something I was going to dislike.

It didn't take me wrong to realise where we were going, the buildings slowly withering down to green fields and the traffic dying down told me one thing. We were going back to Colchester.

"Are we going to see the kids?" I asked him, tearing my eyes away from the window to stare at him, a big smile spreading over my face.

"Honestly I think I can count the times I've managed to successfully surprise you on one hand" He laughed loudly, but nodded his head in agreement with what I'd said anyway.

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