Chapter Twelve

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Saturday 2nd December 2006

"Primrose will you please eat your breakfast" I pleaded with the small girl in front of me who seemed far more interested in playing with her bowl of porridge than eating it.

"I don't like it!" She exclaimed loudly, Damon and I both sighed loudly, it seemed liked she didn't like everything we gave her recently.

"But I made it chocolatey for you darling, just like you asked" Damon reminded her as he sat down next to her and loaded her spoon up.

"Why didn't you make my porridge chocolatey Daddy?" Foxton asked, his eyes widening as he looked between the bowls.

"You didn't ask!" Damon exclaimed, a small smile spreading across his lips.

"I didn't know it was an option!" Foxton retorted, his lips starting to pout as he furrowed his eyebrows into a frown.

"Is Primrose your favourite?" Missy asked him, raising her eyebrows as she pursed her lips. I couldn't help but laugh at her attitude and Damon's flustered look as he looked between our three children.

"No, of course not, I don't have a favourite"

"Then why is Prim the only one with chocolate porridge?" Missy complained as Fox nodded his head in agreement.

"Because she's the only one who asked for it!" Damon exclaimed, aimlessly flailing his hands in the air "You asked for honey and you asked for jam so that's what I gave you!"

"But everyone knows chocolate is the best porridge" Foxton protested, Missy eagerly nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay, well you can all have chocolate porridge for breakfast tomorrow" Damon laughed. The three of them nodded their heads in agreement as Primrose ate the last spoonful of her breakfast. All the attention on it had obviously made the food far more appealing to her.

"As much as I'm loving the porridge chat, we need shoes and coats on as we're running late" I'd been trying to ignore the clock and not rush them, but we were meant to have met Jamie, Rocky and Denholm in Hyde Park fifteen minutes ago.

Somehow, the entrance to winter wonderland was in sight and we were only forty minutes late. Damon and I used to be really quite organised people but having children completely ruined that for us, it was incredibly rare that we showed up anywhere on time.

"Excuse me" I looked up to see a blonde-haired woman with a big smile on her face heading our way "You're Damon Albarn, right?"

I smiled as I let go of his hand and took hold of Primrose's, pulling her away so that none of them were too close to this woman. Damon nodded his head and agreed to a photo, I could tell how much he didn't want to but I also knew how rare it was for him to say no to a fan.

"Why are you taking a photo with my Daddy?" Fox asked the woman, I laughed lightly as I took hold of his hand and pulled him towards me.

"I'm a big fan of his music" She told Fox with a big smile, she seemed nice enough but there was just something about her that set an uneasy feeling off in my stomach.

"Are you going to take a photo with my mummy too then?" Fox continued talking, her eyes looked me up and down, her eyebrows raising as she mentally judged what she saw.

"Why would I do that?" She laughed as she spoke, I could feel the heat starting to rise in my cheeks at her words. It's not uncommon for people to be fans of Damon without having any idea who I am, but normally these situations don't occur with the children making everything far more awkward.

"Because she makes music too!" Missy joined in as Fox nodded his head in agreement. I smiled gently as I shook my head at them both, hoping they'd get the hint to leave this woman alone.

"Oh does she?" She responded bluntly, her lack of interest practically dripping from her words as she shook her head "Besides, it looks like mummy's still got her tummy"

My mouth dropped open slightly as I processed the words she had just spoken, any responses I could think of dying in the back of my throat as she turned her attention back to Damon.

"Look, you're completely out of her league and three kids must be a bit of a drag. So if you ever want some fun" She over dramatically forced a piece of paper into his pocket "Then call me" She winked at him before turning her back to us and strutting away.

Damon's hand was instantly on my back, his mouth up at my ear as he carefully whispered "We'll get the kids with Jamie, then we'll talk. You're absolutely perfect, fucking beautiful and don't you forget it"

I nodded my head, gratefully accepting his quick kiss before turning my attention back to the children. They had all spotted Jamie in the distance and were desperate to run off to him.

"Go on then" Damon laughed, giving them a nod of his head as we both let go of their hands. Missy and Primrose both started to run straight away but Foxton stayed by our sides.


"Yes Foxie?"

"I think that you're really pretty" He mumbled, giving me a toothy grin before running off to catch up with his sisters.

"God he's so like you it's actually slightly scary" I laughed as I took hold of his hand, both of our eyes watching the children run into Jamie.

"He's telling the truth though, you're so unbelievably beautiful, you always have been" He told me gently, I couldn't help but laugh at his words as an involuntary eye roll escaped me.

"You would say that though Dames" I looked down at my stomach before sighing loudly "Do you think she was right? Am I looking a bit fat again?"

"Of course not darling, you've never ever looked fat" He spoke calmly, his blue eyes staring intently into mine.

"I disagree, I need to loose some weight, she was right I've really let myself go" I sighed, biting down on my lip as I shook my head.

"Okay, if that's what you want to do then we'll do it together, I could do with loosing a bit of weight too. Well start working out and eating better, we'll do this healthily okay? You're not going to stop eating again because it fucking killed me when you did that before" I nodded my head at his words, as I dropped my attention down to the ground, I couldn't look at him. I knew he could practically read my thoughts and he wouldn't like what they were right now.

"Just be kind to yourself darling, your body grew our three children, kept them safe, protected them, nurtured them and that is fucking incredible. I will forever be in awe of you and what you're capable of doing. Don't listen to that one woman, she's out of her mind" He pulled on my hand to get me to stop walking, using his fingers to lift my chin up so that I was looking at him.

"Every single day I count my lucky stars, you're the most amazing wife and mother and I'm a very lucky man to have you by my side, please don't dwell on what she said because it couldn't be any further from the truth" I nodded my head slowly, swallowing the lump in my throat as I let Damon press his lips against mine.

"Now come on you, we've got some children who are very excited to go and meet Father Christmas"

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