Chapter Six

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Sunday 30th July 2006

"Morning beautiful" Damon laughed as I slowly opened my eyes. I groaned loudly before quickly closing my eyes, I had no memory of getting back to the hotel but my pounding head told me that it must have been late.

"You're too happy" I complained, burying my head into the cushions to try and let as little light into my eyes as possible.

"I was sick before you woke up, got it out of my system" He chuckled lightly, before reaching across and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear "My head's fucking killing though"

"I think I'm dying" I told him, moving my head across and opening my eyes so that I could see him properly.

"You're so dramatic" He scoffed "Honestly I do wonder how you've given birth to three children sometimes"

"It's all about the drugs they give you Dames, fucking cracking" I told him, letting a smile spread across my lips.

"Do you think we should've had a fourth?" He asked, pulling the duvet up to his chin as he looked at me.

"No way, our three are more than enough" I laughed loudly, I couldn't possibly imagine throwing another child into the mix.

"I suppose you're right, four would definitely be a handful" He mumbled, though I could tell he didn't completely agree with the words he was saying. I didn't question him though, I was well and truly adamant that we were stopping at three.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked him, reaching my hand across and gently stroking his cheek.

"Awards are at seven, so we've got the day to ourselves really" He told me, I nodded my head, moving across the bed so that my head was resting on his chest before closing my eyes again.

"Let's stay in bed" I told him, a string of giggles falling out of my mouth as I spoke, I knew there was no way he'd say yes.

"You can have another hour then we're gonna go explore" He responded, I shook my head. I just wanted to sleep the day away, how Damon had so much energy constantly was just beyond me.

I rolled over once again, so that I had my back to Damon, shutting my eyes and letting my breathing become heavy as I started to drift off back to sleep. I was on the verge of falling asleep when three loud knocks at the door woke me up. I kept my eyes closed, determined to ignore whoever was at the door. Damon, on the other hand, had other ideas. I felt him move next to me, climbing out of bed before going over to open the door.

With Damon dealing with whoever was at the door, I tried to make myself to go back to sleep.

"Mornin' sunshine"

I opened my eyes with a groan, it looked like I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Sitting up in bed, I stuck my middle finger up at a far too happy Jamie, who was now stood at the end of the bed. I looked between him and Damon, they were both just far too happy. How do these men not get hungover?

"I wanted to check you were both alive" He told me, a bemused grin on his face "I must say Eliza, it's been a long old time since I last saw you get that fucked"

"Tell me about it" I placed my head in my hands, I really tried to think back to last night but I was just drawing a blank, so who knows what ended up happening.

As much as I tried to protest, all of my complains seem to fall onto deaf ears as I was forced into the shower and put in a car on the way to a restaurant far too quickly. In fact, I actually still felt half asleep as I followed Damon and Jamie into the restaurant, were the rest of the gorillaz team were already sat.

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