Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Sunday 14th June 2009

I sighed as I looked across at the clock again 3:48am was dimly lit, I rested my head back onto Damon's shoulder, trying desperately to get myself back to sleep.

"Stop fidgeting" He grumbled, the hand on my shoulder tightening to try and stop me from moving again.

I let a small smile come over my lips as I tried to relax into his hold. Staying at his parents house meant that we always ended up squashed together in the single bed, but it was preferable over taking three over-tired kids in a car back to London.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I felt Primrose squeeze herself into bed with us, but it felt like I'd barely slept. I wrapped my arms around her, placing a kiss on top of her head and relishing in the feeling of her cuddling into me. If the single bed wasn't already squashed with Damon and I then it certainly was now, but I didn't mind. In fact, I knew these nights of sneaking into our bed were numbered so I was planning on making the most of it.

I woke again to Damon's light laughter, his warm breath hitting the back of my neck and causing the hairs to stand up.

"I thought it felt even more squashed" He mused, a hand reaching across me to tuck a loose strand of Primrose's hair behind her ear.

"A nighttime intruder" I laughed quietly, letting my eyes cast over to the clock on the side, it was almost 6:30, so still rather on the early side, but I knew neither of us would be able to get back to sleep now.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked him quietly, turning as best as I could to face him without disturbing Primrose.

He hummed softly in agreement, a small smile and a nod of his head telling me that he was up for a walk. I wasn't surprised, he was probably still on a high from last night, just as I was too.

We both silently stumbled around the small, dimly lit room, trying our best to throw on whatever clothes we could without waking Primrose, or anyone else in the house, up.

After leaving a quick note on the kitchen table we stepped out of the front door, stifled laughter falling out of our lips as we locked the door behind us. It felt very much like we were teenagers sneaking out of the house again. Damon reached across to take hold of my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine as we started to slowly walk. Being away from London always had a effect on Damon, he was always far calmer and seemed happier. I couldn't remember the last time we took a walk together, hand in hand feeling very much like we were on a date, falling in love all over again.

"Are you happy?" I asked him, turning my head to face him just in time to see a smile come onto his lips.

"Very much so love" He grinned, our eyes meeting as he raised his eyebrows "Are you?"

"I think so" I responded, frowning at his apprehensive hum, feeling almost offended that he didn't believe me.

"Are you sure?" He questioned, causing my frown to deepen, but him to just laugh "You can stop with that face, you were just very restless last night"

"Hm, I didn't sleep very well. Thinking a lot" I told him quietly, a part of me hating, yet loving, just how well he knew me.

"About?" He prompted, I shrugged my shoulders, not entirely sure how to vocalise all of the thoughts swirling around in my mind.

He didn't push any further, he knew that I'd talk to him eventually. Instead, we both kept on walking, it wasn't long before Damon was softly humming a melody I didn't recognise.

"That's new" I commented, looking up at him expectantly, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, thinking of the next gorillaz album" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words, the man just couldn't stop.

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