Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Friday 1st May 2009

"Damon" I shouted, rubbing my temples as I looked at our blackboard calendar "DAMON"

"Yes darling?" He asked, a grin on his face as he sauntered into the kitchen.

"Can you tell me what the date is today?" I asked, taking a deep breath as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"It's the first of May all day, my love" He told me, the humour laced in his voice as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't you my love me" I scoffed, wriggling out from his grip "Can you tell me why you've written on the calendar that we're helping at the school disco tonight?"

"Because we're helping at the school tonight?" He repeated, his uncertainty as what I was trying to get at showing.

"We've got nothing else already planned for this evening?" I asked him, my eyebrows raised as I placed my hands on my hips.

He frowned at me, shaking his head as I could practically see the cogs turning in his head. I rolled my eyes, letting a small smile come over my lips as I watched the sudden realisation hit him. His mouth dropping open in shock.

"Oh fucking hell" He exclaimed, his eyes looking across at me as his face laced with worry.

"Fucking hell indeed Dames" I nodded my head, sighing as I shook my head "You're gonna have to phone up that Amanda and tell her we can't help tonight"

"Oh no Lyla" He whined, shaking his head as he pouted at me "Don't make me do that, she's such a fucking bitch"

I laughed loudly, shrugging my shoulders as I walked across the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar. Watching as Damon still aimlessly pouted at me.

"You're the one that's double booked us, so you can sort it out" I explained, laughing again as I watched him huff as he paced around the kitchen.

We were playing at the NME awards tonight, our first performance as a five piece in a long time, or at least we were meant to be playing. That was before Damon decided to book two fifths of the band in chaperoning at the kids school disco tonight.

"Have I really got to phone Amanda?" He sighed, widening his eyes as he pouted again at me.

"You can pout all you like, I'm not doing it, she's fucking terrifying" Amanda was the head of the PTA at the school and had a deep dislike for Damon and I. We always tried to help out as much as we could, but Damon was always too busy and I was too worried of what the other Mums thought of me to really show my face too much.

"Or we could just not show up, say we forgot" He proposed, I shook my head at his words.

"The kids are going and we'll be collared when we drop them off" I informed him, sighing at his words. Damon and I had always managed to get out of events like this, normally a rather generous cash sum helped, but I just knew in my gut that we wouldn't get away with it this time.

"I can't call her Lyla, I really can't" He said quietly after a few minutes of aimlessly staring at the chalkboard.

"Okay, well then you go to the awards and I'll go to the school tonight" I told him, an uneasy feeling in my stomach starting to grow.

"You can't do that darling" He sighed "We all need to be there"

"We also need to be parents too Damon" I bit down on my bottom lip, I'd been to more award shows then I could remember, missing one wouldn't really be that big a deal "You're going to the awards and I'm going to the school"

"No Eliza, we can't do that" He protested, I shook my head again "I'll go to the school and you go to the awards, I was the one that ballsed it up after all"

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