1. A case to be solved

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Hello dear reader! I hope you will enjoy the story. This is Chapter 1 and it might be a little confusing but I think you will catch on pretty quick, especially when "X" shows up ;)

Someone must be joking with me. An important investigation as this and they want me to talk to a screen? With a tampered microphone?!

"No way. I will find the criminal myself but I will not tolerate to be embarrassed and made fun of like this."

I told the FBI director as he told me I was supposed to take on a so called partner.

"I understand why you wouldn't want to work like this, I wouldn't either but these are the circumstances. You have to realize that people from this kind of high positions are very likely to work in odd ways. And if you don't agree on this they will take this case out of our hands. There are even more powerful units then the FBI."

"This is humiliating. I will not talk through a microphone and share information about the investigation with someone I don't personally know. In fact he could be the killer himself. Have you thought about that?"

The director looked at me for a long minute in silence and then the got up and closed the door in his office leaving us two alone.

"Listen, I obviously have no choice but to tell you everything I know so I can assure you its perfectly safe but you cannot tell anyone about this. Not even your father."

I thought about it. The director was definitely someone I could trust so I was sure what ever he was going to tell me was going to be very important and truthful. The main issue was, should I lie to my father? Well, I was merely hiding information from him. But he was part of the case too. And as an FBI agent he knew that sometimes secrets had to be kept in order to protect a life or an important matter. I though about what he would have done if he wore in my place. It was risky to try and hide this from him but if it helped the investigation he wouldn't have done it any differently.

"Alright, this stays here." I agreed to his terms.

He leaned on his desk and rubbed his forehead with his hand right hand.

"This organization...Works even higher then the government. I don't know anything fully but I know that they deal with crimes all over the world. Crimes that affect more countries."

"Just like this case?"

"No, even more complicated. I was surprised they even had an interest about this case. They work with extreme world wide criminals. It is said only the greatest investigators are called to work there."

My ambitions went much higher in that exact moment but I didn't jump to conclusions.

"And why do you think they showed interest in the first place?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

It only took me a second to start with my conspiracy theories.

"It is most likely they need the criminal for something. Maybe he is linked to a higher chain of criminals they are after. Or there is more to this case then we know."

The director looked at me confused for a moment and then kept going.

"This person they want you to work with, he must keep his identity safe so he can lead a normal life and investigate undercover in the same time. I've heard from a friend in the CIA that he is one of the most intelligent detectives in the organization."

"Why do you refer to this person with a he? It might as well be a she."

"Well it's he for certain. That much I am sure. It's the only thing anyone knows about him and they prefer to call him X."

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