11. A piece of soul equals a piece of heart

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Jackie’s p.o.v

“I’m home.” I entered my house and as soon as I stepped in the living room Ethan turned around confused.

“I thought you were in your room sleeping.”

“I wasn’t. I actually felt a little better as I was going home and decided to take some fresh air. You know sit in the park...”

“Oh…alright.” He sighed. ‘Good thing I thought you were here, I was going to panic otherwise.”

I pressed my fingers into fists smiling.

“You and panic? Really?” I laughed. “You told me the first day we met, you rarely panic and then quickly calm down and take care of the situation.”

He looked at me with a confused almost sad look on his face.

“Is it weird then, that I worry with the thought something could happen to you?”

I started to blush.

“It’s not weird. I have to study. Bye.”

I ran up the stairs closing the door to my room and then breathing out nervously.

I finally let go of my fists looking at the rubber band I was holding tightly in my hand. I put it back on my hand grateful I didn’t ruin any plans.

Distracting my self with studying was really the best option I had. I just had to follow the rules. That’s all.

The next few days I secretly met with Landon and Logan and telling them how Ethan was doing. In return they told me stories about him. How he was as a child, how he was always the best in class, but always under pressure, how he helped everyone and listen to the twin’s problems. I got a more bigger picture of him and I started feeling really bad because I wanted him to tell me those stuff himself. Weren’t we friends? Weren’t we…close?

“Jackie, are you listening?” They pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Yes, what?”

“We wanted to ask you if you decided to tell him or not.”

“I haven’t so far but I have to.”

They came closer with sad looks.

“Just think how heartbroken he will be when he finds out how you kept this from him.”

“The one he thought he could trust.”

“The one he thought was loyal to him.”

“Complete and utter betrayal.” They both finished.

I clenched my teeth angry.

“Well it’s your fault I kept it quiet this long.”

They both chuckled and walked away.

“See you tomorrow Jackie.”

I waited for Ethan to finish with his extra class today and while doing so I stared at the picture Logan set as my background. He deliberately somehow put it so I can’t remove it. And it was annoying. Very annoying. Especially when it had me hitting Ethan and him laughing. My face looked so red. Damn it.

“You waited for me Plush. I’m surprised.” I raised my hand to see Ethan smiling down at me. I tried to remain serious.

“Well I knew you wouldn’t take too long.”

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