16. Sometimes change means upgrade

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Pay attention to the style in the picture in the middle :) You should just keep the picture in your head for later ;)

Sorry for the delay though. I haven't been able to properly write because of the exams but i managed to get this chapter done. Enjoy

Ethan's p.o.v

The next morning

"And that's why I am so fashionable." Erika walked in the kitchen showing off her brand new shoes.

"Yes you are sweetie, now get your bag or you'll be late."

Mrs. Summers smiled at her and went on with her business.

Erika rolled her eyes and went after her bag.

Five minutes later I was alone with her, by the car waiting for Jackie and her dad.

"You look annoyingly happy. Why?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"I had a good night sleep."

"Yeah right."

"You sound bitter today Erika, something wrong?" I asked with fake kindness.

"Like I said, your smile annoys me."

I smiled to my self and then turned to her. "Thinking about it shouldn't we be on good terms because of Jackie?"

"No. And sorry to break it to you but you'll probably never date."

I decided not to respond to that.

"But you hate me?"

She scrunched her face. "I don't hate you."

"Huh?" Now I was confused.

"Just because you annoy me doesn't mean I hate you. Jackie annoys me too but I don't hate her either. In fact I like you because you don't treat me like a child, the way everyone else in this house does."

"And If I and Jackie start dating what would you think about that?"

"Keep on dreaming pal." She tapped my back.

"So you'll still be an evil little parasite?"

She grinned. "Of course. But..." She stopped to give me a look. "If that ever happens, you dating my sister...I don't think there would be any person better than you in figuring her out."

"Let's go." Jackie and her dad finally came and we drove off to school.


When we arrived at school and we were left on our own Jackie looked at me and then before she said anything she walked inside the school.

Jackie's p.o.v

As soon as I walked inside school I hurried to my classroom and covered my face trying to calm down. Boyfriend...Ethan's my boyfriend!!! Oh my god, what is happening with my brain.

I couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night studying which turned out pointless because all I could think about was him. Eating suddenly felt pointless too since I wasn't functioning properly.

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